Chapter 11

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I open my eyes. My head is pounding... Where am I?

I sit up and look around. I am on the comfy carpet of Tolkien's basement floor. I have a blanket and a pillow. 

Scott is laying next to me. Why did he stay the night? Why did I stay the night?

Why is he... laying next to me..?



The dream I had last night... Seeing Scott asleep next to me made me remember how...

I quickly lift my blanket off of me and look at my pants. 

God damn it. What do I do? Not only am I hard but I... had... a wet dream... about... Scott...

This fucking sucks. What is happening... 

I hear people upstairs, I can't sneak out like this.

I look through some boxes in the basement. I know Tolkien has some extra clothes down here. 

I found a pair of pants that look just like the ones I'm wearing. 

I'm going to have to change down here...

I go into the corner and start changing, keeping an eye on Scott the whole time.

Please don't wake up... don't... wake up...

Once I'm finished changing,  I take a deep breath. I hide the dirty pair of pants in my backpack and sit down on the couch. My head hurts really bad. What even happened last night?

Suddenly I'm hit with a wave of realization.

I had a wet dream about Scott. I was with him earlier. And now I've woken up next to him. There's no way we... 

I wish I could remember.

"Mmmmhh..." Scott stirs.

"Scott? Are you awake?"

"No... not yet..."

He lies down for another 5 minutes before sitting up and brushing the hair out of his face with his hand.

"Pfft-" I laugh.


"Your bedhead is insane."

"Oh." He straightens out his hair and stretches. "How are you feeling?" 

"Haha... I'm incredibly hungover."

"Makes... sense. You were really drunk ... last night."

"Was it bad?"

"Yeah. You wouldn't get off of me, and your... hands kept-"

"Oh god... I didn't..."

"Oh, no. Nothing like that. You... just couldn't walk on your own... so you were leaning on me. At one point you... started flailing your... hands around. You... slapped me... square in my mouth."

The way he pauses before every 's' to concentrate on his pronunciation... It's adora-

I'm going to shut off my brain.

"Sorry, Scott. Why did you stay and deal with all that?"

"Tolkien... said he couldn't... send you home like that. He... was going to make Craig do it, but he went home too... soon. I... was the... first... person he... saw... ugh..."

"Don't worry about your lisp right now. It can't be easy to speak that much while focusing like that. Just talk normally for a bit."

"Thanks. Anyway, I wath the only one around, tho he had me thay with you."


"No problem. It wathn't too much of a bother. It wath actually pretty entertaining to see you like that."

"Glad you're entertained, I'm mortified. I wish I could remember everything."

"Don't worry. You didn't do anything too embarrathing." 

"That's good. We should see if Tolkien's awake. His dad might be making pancakes. He makes the best pancakes."


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