Chapter 44

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Game night. It's my perfect idea. I made sure Scott and the gays were okay with the time.

It's Saturday morning. Our little double date is planned for tonight. I bought a bunch of food and snacks, including ones that Scott texted me about. Snacks that are low in sugar so he can enjoy them with everyone else.

I told Scott to arrive a little before the other two so that we could spend a little bit of time together.

He rings the doorbell and I let him in.

"Hey, Clyde. Sorry I'm a bit early."

"It's okay. It means we can spend more time together."

I sit with him on the couch and we talk for a bit.

"By the way, Scott. Craig is a bit... cynical. I'm pretty sure he only says rude stuff to me so you should be fine but if he says anything that hurts your feelings just know he doesn't mean it. And Tweek can be a bit eccentric sometimes..."

"Don't worry so much. It'll be fine. I've met them before so it's not like this is new. Relax."

"Right... okay. Relaxed. I'm so relaxed."

He laughs. "And stop being such a dork."

"I am not a dork! I'm- or, I was captain of the football team."

He squishes my face in between his hands. "You're a dork in my eyes. A cute dork."

The doorbell rings.

"That must be them!"

I hurry and open the door.

Tweek looks excited, behind him is Craig, who looks like he would rather be anywhere else.

"Come in. I got the snacks and stuff that you guys like so help yourself to those while I set up the game."

I put out a monopoly board and organize the cards. I set up four pillows on the floor so we could all sit around the coffee table.

They all come back with snacks and drinks.

Craig sits across from me. Tweek is to his right and Scott is to my right.

I put the little character pieces in the middle.

"Choose your guy."

Craig chooses the car, I choose the top hat, Tweek chooses the dog, and Scott picks the boat.

We play for a while and everything goes smoothly. Craig is winning by a landslide and he still looks like he doesn't care.

Tweek flicks his game piece. "Can't I just be a housewife for Craig? I'm too poor to afford the last railroad..."

Craig smiles, "You'll have to cook me meals in a little pink apron."

"Anything to get out of this poor hole I'm in. I have 10 dollars! You can't do anything with that and I'm probably going to end up in jail again."

"I'll bail you out if you let me shower you in money like a stripper."


Scott laughs. Both of them turn to look at him. I guess they're both as surprised as I was when I first heard his laugh.

Tweek smiles at Scott. "You've got a really nice laugh."

"Oh, me? Thanks!"

Is it working?

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