Chapter 24

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"Babe? Are you listening?" Jenny pokes me.

"Oh, I zoned out for a moment. Sorry, long day of running."

"I see. Well, we were just saying that it's about time to wrap up here. Could you drive me home, babe?"

"Of course. Are you ready now?"

"Yep! Let's get going."

She turns to her friends and says goodbye before we head out.

I park in front of her house. "Goodnight, Jen."

"Night, babe." 

She gives me a quick kiss before going into her house.

I drive home, almost crashing from how tired I am. Once my face hits the pillow, I lose consciousness.


Like clockwork, Jenny finds me every day after practice. She always drags me somewhere new. I've had to do my homework between school ending and practice. Obviously, that isn't enough time, so I've been doing it when I get home around 10 pm. I go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6. I don't feel rested at all. 

Friday morning, the morning of the big game, I slump into the library. 

Craig looks at me as if I'm a zombie. I probably look like one.

"Dude. Did you sleep at all?"


"When did you go to sleep?"

"Uh... like... 3 am..?"


"Jenny wanted to celebrate pre-game or something like that, I don't know."

"She's been dragging you out every day. Does she not know you need sleep?"


I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a moment...


So comfortable...

Wait... shit, I fell asleep.

I lift my head and squint. I'm wearing Craig's noise-canceling headphones. Did he put them on me? And it feels like I have a blanket on...

No, not a blanket. Someone gave me their jacket. It's green... It looks so familiar...

My headphones are gently pulled off. "You awake?"

"Hmm?" I look up to see Scott.

Of course... that's where I saw the jacket before, it's his.

"You still seem pretty out of it... did you get enough rest?"


"Haha, yes. I'm Scott."

"How long was I asleep... did I miss class?" I sit up.

"Yeah. But Craig said he was going to talk to the teacher for us. He pulled me aside and told me I had to look after you while you slept. You haven't been getting enough rest and you have a game today."

"Oh... Sorry, you got roped into taking care of me again."

"It's okay. I don't mind it."

"Still, I feel bad. I owe you."

"It's good you woke up when you did, there's only a few minutes until the bell rings."

"You sat here with me for the full hour and a half?"

"I did."

"Wow... Thank you... And thanks for the jacket."

"No problem."

I hand him back his jacket. "If you were my girlfriend, I would steal this. It's comfy. Of course, I would give you my letterman in its place."

He takes the jacket. "Too bad I'm not your girlfriend. Or a girl." He smiles.

"Haha, yeah... too bad..."

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