Chapter 61

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Craig answers the phone after a while. I almost thought he wouldn't answer. "Clyde? Why are you calling me? Aren't we in the same house?"

"Ha... why did you take so long to answer?"

"Had to step outside so I could hear you. Everything okay?"

"Do you remember where the guest bedroom is upstairs? The one Tweek spilled coffee all over that one time?"

"I do? Why?"

"Can you come up here? Bring the first aid kit from the kitchen."

"First aid- what happened??"

"Long story. Please just help me."

"Okay. I'll be up in a sec."

I put my phone down and do my best to sit up. I don't even want to know how bad my body looks right now but I need to.

Craig comes in with Tweek and a first aid kit.

"Oh good, you brought Tweek. Hey, Tweek, could you try to get Scott awake?"

Tweek props Scott up and tries to wake him up.

Craig sits next to me on the bed. "Why did you need this? What's going on?"

I sigh. "I got beat up. I haven't looked at the damage yet but I know it's probably not great."

"What?! By who?!"

I tell Craig the story.

"That fucking prick. We can teach him a lesson when the break is over. I'll make sure he's scared of you guys."

"Thanks. I'm gonna take off my shirt now, you'll have to see how bad it is."


I remove my long sleeve shirt. Some parts of it stick to my skin.

"Holy shit..." Craig looks concerned. He quickly drapes the blanket over me and stands up.

Craig helps carry Scott into a different room. He returns without Tweek.

"Sorry, I didn't want Tweek seeing that."

"Oh, I guess it's pretty bad, huh?"

"Your stomach is entirely purple. Does it hurt?"

"Like hell."

"How are you staying so calm?"

"I dunno. I guess since I was taking it all to protect Scott, I'm not too bothered by the pain. If only I knew that Scott could've scared them off that easily. He's okay, right?"

"Yeah. Tweek is getting him water in the other room. He's starting to wake up."

"Then we better get to work. Is anything bleeding?"

Craig takes a look at me. "Looks like a couple spots on your back... and your elbows."

"Can you do something about it?"

Craig looks through the first aid kit. "Yeah. Ive got a few big bandaids in here."

Craig patches me up and I get my shirt back on. I'm able to stand now, but all the bruising hurts. My lower area hurts most. They didn't go easy on me.

I better get Scott home.

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