Chapter 47

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After Tweek and Craig leave, I sit with Scott on my bed.

"Hey... Scott? Did you have fun today?"

He smiles. "I did! Tweek is really cool, I think I could be friends with him if I tried a bit harder... I would love to have a friend like him."


"Thank you for this, Clyde. I haven't gotten to hang out with people like this in... I don't even know how long..."

"Well, you deserve to have good friends. You're a good person."

"Thank you..."

"Also, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"I want to know what Craig said to you when you were playing Twister."

His face gets red and he looks away. Now I'm even more curious.

"I... I don't know if I should tell you... I don't want you to get mad at Craig for telling me..."

"This isn't helping my curiosity..."

"I don't know if I could repeat it either..."

"Is it something bad?"

"No... It's... something promiscuous..."


"That's the best word I could think of to describe it."

"Just tell me. I can't think of any secrets that Craig knows that I wouldn't want you knowing."

"...He told me about... wait, what if he was lying... uhm... can I try something really quick?"



Scott reaches behind my head and slides his hand up the back of my neck. His fingers press the top of the nape of my neck. Goosebumps cover my body. I know what Craig told him now.


Scott backs away. "So he was telling the truth."

"Is that all he told you? Why did you react like you did?"

"Well... What he said was... 'If you want to make him moan and crumble in front of you, just touch the nape of his neck. Thats his most sensitive spot.'"

"Oh my god... why would he phrase it like that..."

"He was trying to make me fall... Uhm... Clyde?"


"How does Craig know about that?"

"Oh, he has been my best friend since we were 10. We know everything about each other. I think I told him around the time I started dating Bebe."

"Oh... But he's never done it to you... right?"

"Of course not! We may tell each other a bit too much info, but we have lines we don't cross."

"Okay... good."

"Do you have any Erogenous zones?"

"Ero... what?"

"Sensitive spots."

"Oh. I don't know. I probably do."

"I guess I'll just have to find them myself."

He smiles and scoots closer to me. "That is if you can even think after I experiment with yours..."

"You are such a tease."


He kisses me, sliding his hand back up to my neck.


"Clyde... I'm so glad I found this... you make such cute noises when I-"


Fuck, I'm making embarrassing noises... My expression is probably pretty shameless too...

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