Chapter 26

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The whole team is quiet as we change in the locker rooms. That game was a mess thanks to me.

I start to walk out but Dave pushes me to the side. "Nice going, idiot. I hope you realize how you just fucked us over. Some captain you are. Get out of here."

He walks away before giving me time to respond.

Not that I have a response. Everything he said was true.

The air outside is cold, It's fall, almost thanksgiving break. The sun has already set.

"Clyde, come over here for a minute." The coach pulls me aside.

"What's up, coach?"

"I'm not sure what happened out there, but it's clear you have been overworking yourself."

"Yeah... sorry, I had a lot to do..."

"I think it's in your best interest to take a break from the team."


"Just for a few weeks. Dave will take over as captain while you're away."

"But sir... that's the end of the football season..."

"It is. You'll return as captain for our winter practices and our games in the spring."

"I'm fine, really. I just had some things going on this week and-"

"I'm sorry, Clyde. But this isn't a request."

"But coach! I-"


"...I understand."

I walk away. It feels even colder and darker now. I should go home.

Jenny is waiting for me in the parking lot.


"Clyde... we need to talk."

"We do?"

"What happened to you? You used to be the best player on that team. Todays playing was just... embarrassing."

I can't take this anymore. "Well maybe if someone would've understood that I need to rest after practice, I wouldn't have had to stay up all night. Maybe I would've gotten enough sleep and that wouldn't have happened!"

"How was I supposed to know you weren't sleeping?!"

"How could I sleep when you were dragging me out every fucking night?!"

"You're different... Clyde. This isn't who I thought I would be dating."

"Well you never took the time to get to know me."

"I'm breaking up with you."


"... Bebe was right about you."

She walks away.

I stare at my car.

I don't want to get in.

It's even darker now.

I go back to the field and climb up onto the bleachers. Sitting and looking down at the field. One week ago I was on top of the world. How did everything crumble so fast...

It finally hits me... I just lost... everything.

I lost the game, I lost my sport, I lost my team, I lost my girlfriend, I lost my hope.

I have nothing now... I don't even know what to do next...

"I thought you might be here... you car is still in the parking lot."

Damn it... and now the person I like is here to see me at my most pathetic point. I'm about to loose him too, aren't I?

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