Chapter 51

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After my mom died, my dad stopped caring too much about holidays. We started going to Craig's house for thanksgiving so that we wouldn't feel so lonely. We do it almost every year.

This year is different though. I know Tweeks family is joining Craig's family this year and I don't want to get in the way. Those two are probably getting married someday so I want to let this thanksgiving stay between their families. Dad and I can figure something else out.

During lunch, I find Scott in his little room. He always has a juice box which I think is adorable.

After eating for a bit, I finally ask. "Hey, Scott? Tolkien is having a masquerade thingy on Friday. Would you want to come with me as my date? We all have to bring a plus one."

"Of course! I wouldn't want you bringing someone else. Plus, I've always wanted to attend a masquerade."

"You're gay."

He giggles. "Whatever you say, baby."


"Did you just call me baby?"

"I did. It was mostly to accentuate the fact that you're in a gay relationship."

"I kinda like that. Pet names are something I never really did with Bebe. Is there one you would prefer to be called?"

"I don't care. You can choose."

"I'll have to think about it. Oh, and I'll text you the details for the party."

"Cool. By the way, what are your holiday plans?"

"For thanksgiving?"


"Oh. Me and my dad don't really do much. Sometimes we go to Craig's house but I think this year we are just going to chill at home. No big meals or anything."

"Why don't you celebrate?"

"I guess my mom was the one who enjoyed celebrations. Me and dad don't care too much."

Scott lights up. I can practically see the lightbulb above his head turn on. "You should come to my house! You and your dad! My mom is always complaining about how empty thanksgiving is because our family lives out of state. Then you could stay over and we can get ready for the party together! If you want you can stay over on Friday night as well."

Two nights with Scott... I wouldn't mind that.

"I'll ask my dad, but I'm in. If he says yes then we will be there."

"Cool! My mom is going to be so excited!"

I think he's the one who's excited. I guess after having very little social life for so long, you start getting excited about stuff like this.

Hopefully it all goes well.

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