Chapter 34

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Sunday feels so long. I can't wait until Monday. I want to see Scott. Maybe I'll text him.

Clyde: Hey, you're going to be in the library in the morning, right?

Scott: Yes. Every Monday and Thursday.

He responded fast. Did he miss me as much as I miss him?

God, I'm being way too clingy. It's been like... two days? I need to calm down. Maybe I'll go for a run or something.

I could run by his house and-

I need to stop. Seriously, what is wrong with me? I was never this obsessed when I was with Bebe. Maybe it's because I'm still in the honeymoon phase.

I'll just go to the park.

The park here is a big circle. If you run around the outside of it three times then that's one mile. I plan to run until my legs give in, not too worried about distance.

I put in my AirPods when I get to the park. It's chilly but my body will heat up once I get going.

I blast my music as loud as my old AirPods will allow. I'm running as fast and hard as I can. The goal is to run so intensely that you forget all your problems.

I guess you could say I'm running from my problems?

Ba dum tchh.

I'm hilarious.

Once my lungs tell me I need to stop running, I slow to a walk. One more lap to cool down.

I don't want to go home yet. It's lonely there.

I spot Tweek and Craig walking around the park holding hands. They both have warm clothes on.

It would be nice to hold hands and walk with Scott.

I approach them from behind and wrap an arm around Craig because I know he hates it.

"Ack! Dude! Ew, you're all sweaty! Get off me!"

Craig pushes my arm away.

"Clyde, why do you have to do this to me. What did I do to deserve your wrath?"

I smile at him. "You became my best friend is what you did. What are you two up to?"

"We're on a date. I have a strict 'no Clyde' policy on my dates. So get going."

"Aww man! I was looking for something to do today."

"Go bother Tolkien."

"Fiinneee. Enjoy your date, guys."

Tweek waves goodbye as Craig drags him away.

I take a long walk down to Tolkiens place. It takes him a while to answer once I ring the doorbell.

He opens the door. "Clyde? What's up?"

"What are you doing right now?"

"Nicole is over. We are hanging out, kinda like a date."

Ugh. Is everyone having a date night? "Oh. Damn."

"Why didn't you just text?"

"I wanted to walk around more anyway so I thought I might as well make the trip."

"Well if you're looking for someone to hang out with go find Jenny. Sunday is for couples."

"Jenny dumped me."



"I guess you're back to being single."

"Not exactly."

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