Chapter 38

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"Do you always eat here?"

"Yep, I started coming here halfway through junior year. That's when I stopped trying to make friends. No one wanted to talk to me because of my annoying lisp."

Ouch. I suddenly feel very guilty. I was one of those people. I thought he was annoying and I didn't want to deal with him. If I had only gotten to know him a little bit... If only anyone would take the time to really get to know him, they would see just how genuine he is. 

"Well... Have you thought about making friends now? Since your lisp is gone?"

"I have. I'm hesitant... I don't want to deal with the rejection again. My first two years of high school were filled with friends telling me I'm annoying or just ignoring me. Plus, why should I be friends with people who didn't like me because of what I sounded like."

"...Scott. I'm sorry I stopped being friends with you..."

"It's okay. I know that after uhm... after your mom died... you were really upset. I understand why you would want to be with just a few close friends after something like that."

"I know but... Once high school started, I continued to... I don't know... I didn't want to hang out with you because of your lisp..."

"I know."

"You do?"

"Yeah. But that's why I like you. Even though you didn't like me, you still gave me a chance. That's something no one else cared to do."

"This whole time? You knew? But I always tried to at least sound polite..."

"I can tell when someone is pretending to like me."

"Then why did you keep talking to me?"

"I thought you were cute."

"You did?"

"The way you would try so hard to act nice to me, it was cute. Of course, I like you much more when you're ACTUALLY being nice to me."

"Scott...  I feel horrible... I'm so sorry..."

"Hey, It's okay. I'm clearly not mad at you."

"Yeah, I guess the fact you agreed to date me shows you miiiight like me. At least a little."

"More like a lot."

"Yeah. Me too. I like you a lot too."


I start eating lunch with Scott every day. His little spot is really nice. It's so much less hectic than the lunchroom is.

I was having so much fun that I almost didn't notice that a week had passed. It's Friday, and my first date with Scott is after school...

While I'm sitting with Tweek and Craig in the morning, I decide to ask for advice.

"Hey, guys? I need some pointers for a date I have tonight."

Craig smiles. "Oh? The amazing Clyde Donovan asking US for advice?"

"I am."

"Why do you need our help? Haven't you already been on a ton of dates with Jenny?"

"What? No, we- oh my god. Did I not tell you guys?"

"Tell us what?"

Oh. This is awkward. 

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