Chapter 42

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-smut warning-

It's too big- the more he pushes it in the more it hurts- I don't know if I can take much more of this.

I need to hold something- I reach up and grip into my pillow as hard as I can.

Scott is biting his lip, it must be pretty tight for him, especially considering how much it hurts inside.

"Fff... fuck... almost... ugh..."

He holds my hips and slides all the way in. I didn't even know something could go this deep.

"Clyde? Are you okay?"

I open my mouth to speak, but my voice breaks.

"I-it... so big... I'm... mmmmphhh,..."

"I know... sorry. I'll stay still, tell me when it doesn't hurt anymore."

There's no way this will ever stop hurting! This pain is so intense that I- oh. It stopped. Just like that...

"It's faded..."


He slowly moves side to side, trying to get a feel for the sensation. It's like he's stirring up my insides.

This feels so weird... do people actually like this stuff?

"Okay. I'm gonna start now."

What? He didn't already start?

He pulls out and slides back in, his slow thrusts moving me up and down.

"Ha.... Nnngh... Scott..."

He smiles down at me. "You ready?"

"Ahh.... Ready? For... hah... for what?"

He kisses me. "Hold on tight," he moves closer to my ear. "...Clyde~"

He thrusts into me. Hard this time. I prepared myself for the pain but it doesn't hurt anymore.  It actually feels kinda... good...

He thrusts again and again, picking up speed.

"Clyde... you're so warm in there, I feel like I'm burning up."

"Ack! Ah- fuck-"

It's no use. I can't get a coherent sentence out, not when he's ramming into me like this. The ecstasy is shooting through my veins.

"Mm! Yeah... that's it-"

"Ah- ahh- mmmhh- so... good~"

"Hah... that's my boy."

He starts stroking me as he thrusts.

"AAHH- both places- at the same- AGH!"

"Clyde... keep moaning for me..."

"Scott- ahh!"

"You wanted me to tell you what feels good? My answer is you. Your moans. The face you're making. The drool sliding down your chin. All of it. You make me feel good."

His voice is raspy right now.

He takes my hand and moves it down to my stomach.

"Feel that? This is how far into you I'm reaching. I can see it bulge through your skin. Do you feel it? Hmm?"

I do. Every time he thrusts in, this part of my stomach raises a bit.

Oh god, I feel-

"Scott- I'm close- I-"

"Me too."

He picks up his pace even more.

"Ahh~ mmmhh- fuck~"

"Clyde- hah... I love you..."

He loves me...

"I love you too- ahh!"

He hits a spot that sends a shockwave up my body. I spray out more than I ever have before. More than I thought was possible.

He pulls out and my muscles relax. I'm shaking a bit from my orgasm.

"Should we go again?"


"I'm joking! I'll get something to clean you up, be right back."

I can't believe he still has energy. I feel like I'm gonna pass out...

But... it felt good... and he said... he loves me...

He really loves me...

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