Chapter 22

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Today is the first day of practice since the last win. The next game is on Friday. It's not often we have back-to-back game weeks. I'm going to end up overworking myself again.

Dave finds me as we step out onto the field. I really don't want to see him right now.

"Hey, Clyde... I wanted to apologize for what happened the other weekend... I really didn't know that he could've been hurt..."



"He could've died. Not just hurt. If things were bad enough, you could've killed him."

"Right... Well, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, regardless of what the situation was."

He sure as hell doesn't look sorry. I know he's just doing this to stay on my good side since I'm in charge of his position on the team.

I sigh. "Just be more careful next time."

"I will. Thanks. Also... I hear you're dating my sister... Treat her right, okay?"

"Sure thing."

I didn't know those two were related... I can definitely see it though. He asked me to treat her right, which may seem like a peaceful request, but with his expression and tone, it was more of a warning.

This guy...


The practice goes a lot better than usual. Coach is going pretty easy on me, I think he is impressed with how I did in the last game.

We do a bunch of racing exercises and I win 9/10 times. Dave beats me once. I'll get him back though.

Once practice is over, I slump out to the parking lot. Running 10 short races really takes it out of you.

I can't wait to get home and sleep.

"Clyde! Baby! Over here!!" Jenny calls from the side of my car.

"Oh, hey Jen."

"The girls and I all watched the practice, and you did so good! Come out and celebrate with us! The girls are already heading over to Applebees. Let's go!"

She already told everyone I was going... I can't disappoint that many people... ugh... Guess my night isn't over yet.


"And then he totally left the rest of the team in the dust! My brother was only able to beat him one time! He really is the greatest..." Jenny flaunts.

Bebe rolls her eyes, "Jenny, We were there. We know."

"Yeah, but you don't seem to understand just how cool it was."

"Forgive me for not getting excited about my ex-boyfriend."

I really hate being around Bebe, and her talking like this really doesn't help. Im trying my hardest to forgive and forget that horrible breakup but she just keeps reminding me. You don't break up with someone the way she did and then just continue to hurt them. I feel like I've suffered enough...

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