Chapter 56

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-smut warning-

He's so big. It's like he's peeling me open.

...I don't hate it.

He pounds into me. Even his angry sex grunts are cute.

He's treating me like a toy right now and I think I'm into it.

He starts jerking me off. Is he trying to get us to finish together?

"Fuck- Scott- ahh.... Mmmm!"

I let myself finish.


Perfect? What?

He continues to fuck me mercilessly. He wasn't trying to finish with me. He was making me finish first so I would be more sensitive as he went on.

My head is spinning. The feeling is overwhelming. Too much pleasure, my body can't handle it.


"Fuck... Clyde. I hope you've... nnghh... learned your lesson..."

I grip into his bedsheets and close my eyes. I can barely breathe.

"Fuck, I'm so close..."

He puts a hand on my stomach, pushing it down.

I feel his movements better, and my g-spot is being pushed right into his path. He knows what he's doing. He's making a mess of me. He's showing me just how much power he has over me right now.

"I can feel myself through your skin."

He pushes harder on my stomach. I'm getting dizzy.

So dizzy...

"Clyde... I'm... mmm!" He thrusts into me harder than ever. It sends shivers up my spine.

I hear him sigh. He just finished.

As he starts to pull out, my head spins. I'm so... exhausted...

I'm gonna... pass... out...


I open my eyes. I'm on Scott's bed. It's dark outside. How long was I out?

I'm laying on something cold. Ice? There's an ice pack on my lower back.

I pull it out and look at it. It looks fresh. Why is it here?

"You should put that back, Clyde. You're gonna want it to stay where it was."

Scott is sitting at his desk, looking at me.

"Why?" I sit up.

An intense pain shoots through my lower back and I fall back down. "Fuck!"

"That's why. Your lower back is really sore, and you're swollen in some areas. Just stay down and keep ice on it. I'll get you some pain medicine."

He stands up and grabs a water bottle. He puts two small red pills in my mouth and feeds me the water.

He sits on the edge of the bed and brushes his fingers through my hair. "How do you feel?"

"Fine I guess. How long have I been asleep?"

"A few hours. It's 9 pm."

"Damn. Sorry for passing out."

He shakes his head. "Don't apologize. It was my fault. I was too rough with you."

"I'm still sorry... for the things I said earlier too... I was being too intrusive."

"It's okay. I was being harsh too. Let's forget about it and focus on getting you better. We don't want to miss out on the party because I went too hard on you."

"Oh right, the party... do you have everything you need?"

"I don't have a mask, but we can go shopping tomorrow. Does that sound okay?"

"It sounds perfect, now come lay down. I miss you."

He giggles and lies next to me. I need to remember not to piss this guy off. He could kill me with that weapon he keeps in his pants.

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