Chapter 15

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Jenny and I kiss for a few minutes. She's a good kisser, but the whole time I just couldn't stop thinking about Scott. Wishing it was him instead of Jenny.

When I pull away she looks down at her hands. She's blushing.

"That was good... you're good at that, Clyde."

"Thanks. That skill is all yours now that we're dating."

"Lucky me."

"Do you need a ride home?"

"No, I came here in my own car, I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Alright. Text me when you get home safely."


She gets out of my car and walks away. All things considered, that was a pretty good first date.

I wonder what Scott is up to...


I get to the library again. I have a smoothie my dad made for me. It's a raspberry, banana, strawberry smoothie. He put it in a cup with a straw and a lid. Mom used to make these all the time.

Craig is sitting alone at the table.

"Hey, where's Tweek?"

"Went to get a drink. How was your weekend? We saw you get blackout drunk at Tolkiens party."

"My weekend was fine, thank you."

I see Scott's green sweater out of the corner of my eye.

"Craig, I'll be right back."

"What? You just got here."

"I'll just be a second."

I go to where I saw him. He's just around the corner, putting books on the shelves.

"Hey, Scott. You volunteered again?"

"Yeah. Every Monday and Wednthday."

"Cool. I'm here every morning."

"I know. I see you around."

"You're getting better at pronouncing your S's."

He smiled at me. "I guess I have a good teacher."

"I am pretty good."

He laughs.




His laugh is so cute. I'm gonna loose it. I haven't heard him laugh in so long... years even.

I gotta think, do something, change the subject or something...

"My dad made me this smoothie." I hold it up and shake it a bit. 

"Oh yea? Looks good."

"It is. Wanna try?"

"What's in it?"

"Just ice, orange juice, raspberry, banana, and strawberry. Organic."

"I gueth it couldn't hurt."

I hold it out for him to grab but his hands are full. He leans forward and wraps his beautiful lips around the-

Why on earth... why is my internal dialog so... fruity?

He looks up at me as he sips. When he's done he exhales and smiles. "It's good! Your dad hath talent."

"I'll have to make one for you sometime."

"I agree."

"I'll let you get back to that. See you in first period."


Wow, that really didn't help. It actually made things worse. Everything about what just happened only made me want Scott more.

I return to the table where Tweek and Craig are snickering to themselves.

"What's so funny?"

Craig looks at me, pausing his laughter. "It looks like we were right about you liking him, weren't we?"

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