Chapter 58

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Scott sips his beer. He makes a sour face. "It's horrible..."

"Yeah. They arent made to be tasty. The buzz is what matters. Finish that can and you'll be floating."

He takes a deep breath and takes another sip. He slowly sips it as we go back upstairs. He really doesn't like the taste, he's so fucking cute.

The first person I see when I walk upstairs is Dave. I fucking hate Dave.

"Well! Haven't seen you in a while, Clyde. Nice mask."

That's when I realize he is wearing the exact same mask as me. Of all people to end up matching with, it just had to be him.

I push past him, dragging Scott behind me. 

"Oh? Holding hands now? Gay wad." I hear him call as I walk away.

We sit on the couch while we drink. This is actually really nice. I like drinking with Scott.

"Hehehe... *hiccup*"

He's definitely drunk now. I don't think he even finished his can.

"Clyyydeeee.... Baby boy... Ehehe..." he starts playing with my hair.

I guess he gets giggly when he's drunk.

And I thought he couldn't get any cuter.

I slide out of his arms and stand up. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

I get up and head to Tolkiens fancier than necessary bathroom.

When I return to the couch area, Scott is missing. Did he go somewhere?

I scan the crowd. I catch a glimpse of green entering one of the upstairs rooms. Where the fuck is he going?

I go up to the room he went into and I step inside.

Scott is face planted on the bed and Dave is standing in the corner.

I hurry to check on Scott. "You doin okay?"

He gives me a thumbs up.

I turn to Dave. "What are you doing in here?"

"I was getting away from the noise, this guy followed me."


"I hope he leaves before he passes out..."

"I'll get him out of here. It's his first time drinking so he's pretty sensitive."


I turn to look at him. "Hmm?"

He's folding his arms. "That's Scott, right? The one with diabetes?"


"I knew something was up with you two. Are you guys dating?"

"We are."

"Of fucking course. Can't believe we had a gay dude as our captain for so long."

"Excuse me?"

"The team is going to eat this up."

"You really have been looking for ways to destroy me, haven't you?"


"Well it's not going to work. I don't care what other people think of me."

"... I'm sure you care about your boyfriend. Don't you?"

"More than anything. But he's out of reach from you. He's smart enough not yo get involved with pathetic lowlifes like yourself."

"You think I can't hurt you?"

"I think you're way in over your head. You don't understand what you're messing with here."

He steps closer. "You wanna make a bet?"

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