Chapter 29

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I take off my shirt and throw it to the corner of the room before moving to the bed.

"Clyde? Why did you take your shirt off..?"

"I don't like sleeping with a shirt on. I almost never do."


"Why? Are you disappointed I wasn't undressing for you?" I lean towards him.

"O-of course not! I was just wondering! It's not like I was expecting you to crawl into bed naked with me or anything cause that would be really weird!"

Oh my god. He was disappointed.

"You're so cute, Scott."

"Clyde you... really like me... right? Like, for real?"

"I do really like you. For real."

"Then can we... I don't know... date? Or something?"

I pull him down onto the bed with me, covering us both with the blanket. "Of course. If you'll take me as your boyfriend."

"I would!"

"Then it's official. You're my boyfriend and I'm yours."

He smiles. He looks genuinely happy. Bebe and Jenny never looked at me like that.

I slide my fingers up into his curly hair and kiss him again. When I pull away I can see the moonlight decorating his skin, accentuating his pretty freckles.

He's probably the most beautiful guy I've seen in real life.

And he's mine.

He's on the edge of the bed, I think he's nervous to get close to me...

"Scott, you can't snuggle if you're all the way over there."

I pull him towards me by his waist, pulling him right into my chest.

"Ah- Clyde- are you sure? I..."

"Pfft- calm down. It's fine, Scott. This is just for warmth. Relax, it's late and we need our beauty rest."


He wraps an arm around me and cuddles into my chest.

I can feel his heartbeat.


*beep beep, beep beep*

An alarm is going off. I didn't set one... what time is it?


"Ugh... Scott..? What is that?"

Scott sits up and rubs his head. "Sorry... it's my blood sugar alarm. It goes off when my blood sugar is at dangerous levels."

"I thought you ate earlier..?"

"I need to do an insulin shot, I'm fine on food."


Scott finds his bag and does his shot.

The alarm stops.

"Sorry, Clyde... I didn't want to wake you up..."

"It's okay. If you have to deal with the alarm all the time, then I can deal with it too. I'll get used to it."

"Get used to it..?"

"Yeah. If you're my boyfriend then I plan on spending a lot of nights with you. Anyway, don't worry. I'm not upset. Come back to bed."

He smiles. "Okay. Thank you, Clyde..."

He snuggles back into bed, this time he doesn't hesitate to get close to me.

He's perfect.

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