Chapter 54

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Scott steps back. He looks mad.

"I'm sorry I just don't think it's fair that they aren't trying harder to accommodate for you." I fold my arms.

"I don't have a problem with how things are. I'm just fine."

"But do you even know how much better things could be? Just cause you are ok with how things are doesn't mean it's how they should be. You should be treated fairly."

"I don't think that's for you to decide, Clyde."

"No, it's not. But I can still voice my concerns, can't I?"

"You can do whatever you want. But that doesn't mean you should. I don't appreciate you commenting on my lifestyle like this. That dinner went exactly how I wanted it to and I was happy about it. Why are you so upset about something that doesn't even involve you."

"I don't know. Why are you getting so defensive?"

"I'm not. I'm just speaking my mind. Something you seem to have no problem with."

I scowl a bit at him, and he turns his head away.

"Let's just go back. We can talk more about this when we aren't in a public place."

I look around and realize that there are people staring at us.

I sigh. "Fine. Let's go back to your house."

We walk back without saying anything. I walk about a foot behind him.

He closes the door to his room once we step in. His parents are already asleep.

He sits on his bed and folds his arms. "Okay. I think we should talk about this. I don't like fighting with you."

I guess we are fighting... we have never done that before...

"I'm just trying to say I think it's unfair. Can you at least try to understand why?"

"No, Clyde. Because I don't feel wronged. You're trying to make me feel upset about this but I'm not."

"I'm not trying to make you upset, I'm trying to-"

"Well it feels like you are. It's not a nice feeling, Clyde."

"Jesus Christ. You aren't listening."

He stands up and walks over to me. He's really close. I think he is a few inches taller than me when he has good posture like this.

"No. Stop. YOU are not listening." He says in a deeper voice than usual.

"Stop turning this around."

"I don't want to keep explaining this to you."

"Good. Because I don't wanna keep hearing it."

He moves closer. He looks really mad.

"You're stubborn."

"Maybe. But I care."

He sighs and grabs my chin, lifting my head up. "I'm mad right now. I think you should know that. And I plan on doing something I shouldn't."


He yanks my arm and I practically fly onto his bed. He turns off the light and walks towards me.

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