Chapter 8

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The crowd is screaming. I can hear them again.

My team runs towards me, jumping onto me in a doggy pile.

"Ack! Guys!"

They lift me up and carry me to the stands where the school cheers for me.

This is the kind of praise I deserve.

After me and the boys change, I go out to the parking lot where Craig and Tweek were waiting for me.

Craig smiles, "Glad you didn't fuck it up."

"Thanks. I can tell you had toooons of faith in me."

"I didn't."

"I was joking."

"Get in the car."

I laugh and get in the back seat of his car. Tweek always sits in the front.

Tweek turns his head to look at me as Craig drives. "Good job, Clyde. That was really impressive. I've never seen anyone run that fast before."

"Haha, thanks. I'm surprised I did it. It felt so far."

"It was crazy."

Craig reaches over and grabs Tweeks chin, turning Tweeks head so that he's facing forward again.

"Craig? What was that for?"

"Keep your eyes on the road, Tweek."

"But I'm not even driving???"

I laugh. Craig always gets protective of Tweek when other gay guys talk to him.

Wait, but I'm not... why'd he do that? He's never had a problem with me before.

I lean forward. "Craig, why did you do that? I know that you do that when Tweek talks to other gay guys, but I'm not gay."

Tweek looks shocked. "He what?"

"Shh. You two can discuss that later. Craig. You have never had a problem with me talking to Tweek before. Why now? Is everything okay?"

Craig shrugs. "Well, prior to this week, I was positive you were the straightest man I knew."

"The fuck do you mean? Prior to this week? What changed?"

Tweek and Craig exchange a quick glance. There's something they both know but they aren't telling me.

Tweek is easier to convince, so I turn to him. "Tweek, what do you know? What happened this week?"

"Uh... I uhm..."

Craig pushes my face back. "Leave my boyfriend alone."

"Then tell me what's going on!"

"Tweek and I think you have a thing for another boy. Which would be very gay."

"Another boy?! Are you dumb??? Who would I even like?"

"Clyde, you're so stupid sometimes."

"Just tell me. I'm not going to get mad or anything."

"I'm not responsible for whatever reaction you may have."




"I said Scott."

"Uh, yeah. I heard you. Are you insane?? Scott Malkinson?! Please."

"For someone who claims to hate him, you sure do talk about him a lot."

"That's just cause he's relevant in my schedule right now."

"Denial is a river in Egypt."

"You're the ones in denial. Just cause you two are gay, doesn't mean everyone else is. I'm not gay."

"We didn't say you were. We just said you probably have a crush on Scott."

"You're crazy."

"We're here."

We pull up and park in-front of Tolkiens huge house. I can already hear the music.

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