Chapter 53

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Scott's mom comes out of the kitchen with a few dishes. She goes back and forth until all the dishes are set up on the table. She doesn't say a word as she moves.

I turn to Scott. "Hey, this all looks... more sugary than a normal thanksgiving meal. Can you eat this?"

"Not much. I can eat the turkey if I just grab a little bit, and the corn is sugar free!"

What? Why didn't they accommodate for him more? Is it always like this?

"I see..."

"It's all very good though. I think you two will like it."

We all fill our plates with food. I take one bite and realize that I was right. It's incredibly sugary.

My dad tries various times to make conversation with Scott's parents but they keep giving him one word answers.

Once we are all about done, Scott clears his throat. "Hey, mom and dad, I want to say something."

"Okay." His dad responds in a somewhat annoyed tone.

"Well, Clyde here... is my... boyfriend..!" He smiles and grabs my hand.



His parents look at eachother, then back at us. "Interesting."

Scott turns to me and smiles.

That's it? That's all they're gonna say? I mean, Scott seemed to think it was fine but that sounded so cold...

"We should have desert now." His mom moves to the kitchen to get pumpkin pie.

She places a slice in front of everyone but Scott. He just gets a bit of whipped cream on his plate.

"Scott? You don't get any?"

He shakes his head. "No, too sugary for me. But I get this whipped cream! Tradition."

Tradition? Seriously?

If Scott and I ever get married, I'm going to spoil him. I'll make sure we get the best meals that he can actually eat so that everything is fair.

I understand that he is used to this lifestyle, but I could give him so much more. He deserves so much more.

When we finish eating, Scott's parents say a simple "goodbye" before my dad leaves. I can't stand the tension in the air right now. I gotta get out of this house.

"Scott? Wanna go for a walk?"

"Sure! Mom and dad always sleep for a few hours after thanksgiving dinner anyway."

We go outside and wonder around the block a bit. The air is cold. It's almost winter.

Scott takes my hand. "I'm so glad you came over."

"Really? But nothing happened."

"Well, we usually just sit in silence. That's the most talkative my mom has been in a while."

"Are your parents okay?"

"They're fine, they're just really reserved. They live in their own heads."

I stop walking. Scott turns to me and gives me a confused look.


"I can treat you so much better than that... it's like they aren't even doing the bare minimum..."

"Clyde... they love me, they just don't show it like other people."

"You couldn't even eat half the food. Doesn't that make you sad?"

"Clyde... why are you questioning my home life so much?"

"Because it's not fair. You should have more. You should be able to eat a full meal. You should be able to tell your parents about your life. You should be able to communicate..."

He takes his hand away. "Clyde. I don't know what you're assuming my life is like, but I'm just fine."

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