Chapter 28

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"Mmm! Mmnnnmm!!" Scott struggles and pulls away, taking a deep inhale. "I couldn't breathe..."

"Sorry... I got excited..."

"You're so cute. Getting all excited over a kiss~" he smiles playfully at me.


I didn't know he could be flirty... he sounds so hot when he does it too. His smooth voice... I almost wish he'd keep his lisp around other people so I could be the only one to hear this voice.

"I hope I wasn't the only one getting excited."

"Pff- when you say it like that it sounds like we're talking about getting hard."

I smirk and gently hold his chin so he's facing me. "If we did that for much longer I probably would've been."

I watch his face turn red. He's so cute. I didn't know he could blush like this. I'm learning all sorts of things about him.

I want to know more. I want to know everything about him. But we don't have time to talk here, it's getting really cold.

"Scott, do you want to come over to my house? I don't want to leave you after all that. You can stay the night."

"Your parents will be okay with that?"

"Parent. Singular. And yea, he doesn't mind. It makes the house more lively when we have guests over."

"Okay! I'd love to! I just need to text my parents..."

"You can do that in the car. It's getting cold so we should get going. Everyone else is already gone and the school freaks me out when it's empty."

"Okay. Let's go."


I'm suddenly very nervous. I don't remember if my room is presentable or not.

When we get into my house, all the lights are off.

I turn to Scott and whisper as I quietly shut the front door. "I think my dad is already asleep, we should be quiet."


"Do you need something to eat?"


"Okay, come with me."

I take him to my kitchen and turn on the light. I know we have a bunch of snacks. I open the snack cupboard and step to the side. "You can help yourself to anything in there."


"I'm gonna go make sure my room is clean, I'll be upstairs."


I go upstairs to my room. It is a mess. I haven't had time to clean it all week. I tidy up and shove my dirty clothes into the closet so that it looks clean.

A corner of my night stand has tissues, lotion, and condoms on it.

I stare at them for a minute.

"No... it's too soon." I say to myself as I tuck them into my drawer.

I think I got everything.

Scott comes upstairs and peeks into my room. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, make yourself at home."

He closes the door behind him and sits on the bed.

"Can we... Share... the bed..?"

It's so cute that he asked me first.

"Of course."

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