1- Twinning Visions

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Catra slowly blinked awake.

Her vision was blurred from sleep, but that was fixed when she rubbed her eyes and rid herself of the burden.

She looked at her surroundings. And just now realised that the bed she had been sleeping on was a lot softer then the Horde standard.

She looked around again. Overwhelmed by the luxuries that she had been given when unconscious.

She was beginning to feel lightheaded.

'Ezra look! shes awake¡Ven aca!'

She flung around to find the two people who she had seen as she had supposedly died standing on the threshold with an excited yet worried look.

'Hi! I'm Ezra' The ginger magicat nodded their head towards her. The blonde magicat seemed more nervous then him.

'Aurelie' She curtseyed.

'I'm....Catra..' She whispered, squirming in her utter confusion. Until Ezra spoke again, of which a sense of dread replaced it.

'Come with us, we'll take you to the Empress'


Empress C'yra was intimidating in looks, but an angelic and devoted warrior in personality. Like Scorpia, Catra thought. Which dampened her mood when she realised she'd probably never see her again.

'The council will vote on the 1st of next month, so you have plenty of time to prove yourself' She said with a smile, completely confident with the councils decision.

Catras nails dug into the cotton of the hospital gown she wore with nervousness.

'But for now, I just need to run a few things past you' C'yra says, smiling mindlessly as she did so.

And for the next hour, Catra was asked about her childhood, and life up to that point.

C'yra explained that she was currently in an infirmiry in the secret nation of Halfmoon.

It sent shivers of excitement down Catras spine, when C'yra practically banned her from returning to The Horde.

She didn't want to go back anyway. Not that she would be able to anyway.

Ezra and Aurelie came by again, with fresh clothes and friendlier attitudes then earlier.

Aurelie, the blonde-white magicat, began explaining the simple stuff about Halfmoon.

Like their language was Etherian or Spanish and most of the magicats were polylingual.

So she quicky befriended the two, and without knowing, ended up parelling another famous trio.

An impulsive blonde, a sweetheart boy, and a snarky yet adorable shortie?


'Dios mios!' Were the exact words Aurelie exclaimed when Catra explained what had happened between her and Adora.

'what does that mean?' She asked, mismatched eyes flicking from Aurelie to Ezra.

'Its a phrase that you would say if you're surprised, or if your angry, basically saying my god' Ezra explained.

Catra nodded, and before anyone could speak again, the door swung open to reveal Empress C'yra standing next to two regal looking magicats, who smiled at the teens reassuringly.

'Catra, this is my consort, Amato, and our eldest child, Lyric' C'yra smiled.

Amato, the man, bowed in respect to the basically children.

'I've....wait...was that why Kyle, rogelio and Lonnie were always...?!' Catra never completed her sentence, as a girl around fourteen burst into the room with a loud war cry and launched a plastic plate of whipped cream at her face.

Catra let out a high pitched yelp in alarm, and instinctively tackled the girl to the ground, causing them both to squirm and wiggle stupidly like two worms having a conjoined seisure on the floor.

'Mama! Dad! Help!' The girl squeaked as Catra tightened her hold.

'Sorry Aeris, but you literally threw whipped cream at her, give her fur some justice' The man, Amato laughed.

But it wasn't cruel, or mocking. It was a kind chuckle.

It took Catra a good moment to realise she was wrestling with a princess, and the daughter of the royals who had taken her in.

She rolled off of the girl and pulled her to her feet. The she went back to where she was sitting before with a blank expression.

Aurelie and Ezra were smiling, entertained.

'Naeva? Could you keep Aeris confined to her room temporarily so she can't play anymore pranks and wreak havoc while we speak with Catra?' C'yra asks over her shoulder.

A guard beside Lyric nods and takes the princess by the hand. A moment later, Aeris complaints fade to distant whining.

Lyric sat gingerly on Catras right.

And Catra stared in utter shock when she saw her eyes, and Lyric mirrored her expression.

Their eyes were exactly the same.

Both were aware of Aurelie, Ezra, Amato and C'yra watching them.

'Mama? Es ella. Puedo sentirlo.' Lyric said, voice suddenly hushed.

'dios mios...Si realmente lo crees, entonces la llevaré a una prueba' C'yra decides, and rushes out of the room, holding her white and gold dress by the skirt.

'What is happening..?' Catra whispers, feeling suddenly worried. She had no power, no one to protect her, and she didn't understand the language or literally most of the things here. If they were going to execute her, she wouldn't even know.

But Lyric placed a gentle hand on her arm and smiled at her.

'Do not worry, Mi tal vez hermana, You will be okay, better than okay! You will be great!'

Mi Hermana. Catra recalls it from somewhere, like a long forgotten memory.

But she doesn't have much time to think on it, as Empress C'yra enters the room with a thud, and leads her outside.

A moment and a flash of purple later they're in Mystacor.

(No illustrations but a meme in its place;)

(No illustrations but a meme in its place;)

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