S2 - Smouldering ashes

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Catra sped through the halls as the the clock struck midnight.

The Velvet Glove was massive, and hard to navigate when she wasn't aware what floor she was on.

But now she was in the south wing, third floor.

She skimmed past the mainly empty cells, and when she reached number nine, she was relieved.

'Čalyria?!'  Melog exclaimed.

'I don't have much time. But I'm getting you out.' She sliced right through the bars.

'What about you?' 



'Honestly, I don't know. But listen, if I can't go with you, or something happens, you have to get to Adora. I forbid you from trying to save me.' Her voice harshened.

Melogs eyes widened, but her tone was enough to stop them from questioning her. The situation was too dire to put aside any chance of escape.

The duo sprinted through the Velvet Glove, silence on their tongues, and fear in their hearts.

They entered the spaceships rear exit.

The Verena Xalia  sat alone.

Catras jaw clenched when she noticed the odd lack of clones.

'Melog, get in' She opens the side door, 'I'll be right there' She runs to check the hallway.

The Velvet Glove is completely silent, freakishly so.

Catra gulps, and turns back to the Verena Xalia. It's metallic violet walls reflecting the shadow of someone coming up behind her.


Primes voice is deadly calm. He's furious.

'Hey, Prime' She says with a smirk.

'And what about this, is amusing to you...?'

''Oh, you know, this' .

The lights shut off and they're plunged into darkness.

She kicks him, and slashes at his face.

Then, she runs to the Verena Xalia, and Melog helps her in.

Catra but her lip to hold back her laughter, so that Prime would not hear the sound.

She runs to the front of the ship, and slams her hand down on the button that set then away from the Velvet Glove.

But they weren't going fast enough.

Clones flooded around where their ship had been a moment prior.

Catra speed dressed into her spacesuit, then bungee jumped out of the door and around to the front.

Prime was speechless.

She met his eyes as an inferno flew from the palms of her hands and surrounded the Velvet Glove. The ship was trapped in a whirlwind of high flames.

Catra laughed as the flames sent a huge power boost through the Verena Xalia.

Once she had managed to get back in the door and lock it behind her, Catra said goodnight to Melog and returned to her room.

She changed out of her tight spacesuit, and into her pajamas.

She fixed her duvet, fetched a glass of water, and began getting into bed.

But then her eyes landed on her trackerpad. She hadn't used it since Prime and taken her and Melog.

She picked it up, and left a voice message for Adora.

'Hey Adora'


Gold meets black.

C'yra stares into Pucas eyes.

He stares back.

Lilith is nowhere in sight.

Puca would never dare let his darling, innocent, wife, witness such a dark side of him.

More like he doesn't want C'yra telling her the truth.

That Empress had caused him enough trouble.

'Your majesty, perhaps things like this would not happen had you thought first' He drawls, falling away into the shadows.

'Don't patronise me, Perseus!' She snarled and hissed.

'Silence, you stupid woman!'

His palm meets her cheek.

She falls quiet for a mere moment.

'I am not afraid of you.'

'You should be'

'Why is that?'

'No one has ever crossed me and survived'

'My husband is No one.'

He stops.


'What do you mean?'

'What are you talking about?'

'Amato is alive. He is back on his feet. I was sure your beloved Lilith would have told you. She did not.'



'What do mean No?'

'You wanna hear it in Spanish? Non, Irish? I got yeh boo, Níl'

'Trip off a bridge and die'

'If it means never having to see you again, then I would do it with pleasure. Let me go so I can.'

'Nice try, ginger'

'Die in a hole'

'Ladies first..  ..What, Speechless? Yeah, I have that effect on men'

'I'm a woman, dipshit'

'Are you? You certainly don't look like one.'

He won. This time.

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