3 - Interlocked

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Catra was almost too giddy to go to sleep. But with a bit of pushing from Aurelie and Ezra, and a playful demand from the Queen, she had finally settled down for the night.

Her mind attempted to drift back to Adora, and the Horde. But she dispelled those thoughts as quickly as they came.

She yoinked off the tunic and trousers she had worn all day, and pulled on a silk nightdress that was in the closet. She didn't feel tired, but something made her want to sleep instead of bouncing off the walls all night.

But eventually, her eyelids fall heavy. And she ands up asleep.


‘Shes a Horde soldier! Shes evil!!!’

The councilman yelled, but his boost of confidence was distinguished when C'yra turned, snarling and growling, to him.

‘The only evil one here is you, Chalin, She is an innocent cub who was tortured, they tried to drown her for Moros' sake!’ The Queen shouts, causing the servants and other council members to shrink down in fear at her fury.

Amato was perched on a shelf behind his wife, his emerald eyes watching over the council, waiting for Chalins next wrong move. It was like observing a game of chess.

‘Empress C'yra! Your highness, shes lying! Shes a fraud! You are naive!’ Chalin yells in her face.

‘Naeva. Lock him in the dungeon overnight. We will not question this matter further. I will not listen to heartless bastards dictate my choices.’

C'yras eyes darken with rage as stares into Chalins eyes, sweat beaded on his furry forehead, but Naeva, a tiger -like magicat cuffs him and drags him away.

The council are still holding their breath.

‘The next meeting is next Thursday. You are dismissed’ C'yra says, her back to the council, eyes facing the window.

The council scramble to escape whatever wrath the Empress may bring open them, but she stands legs together, arms crossed, staring through the glass.

Its already dawn, and the sun is rising. Light rakes through the window, giving the whole council room a golden hue.

‘Bit harsh. You're stressed’ Amato says, dropping down from his place on the shelf.

‘Perhaps. But he had it coming either way’ She react, not even turning to look at him.

He sighs.

But before he can speak again, they're interrupted by am orchestra of clattering, smashing and banging from the corridor, followed by a rather colourful slew of swears from Catra.

‘What has Aeris done this time..?’ C'yra wonders aloud, but gets no reply.

Amato stays behind, taking over C'yras place, staring out the window.

She laughs to herself when she sees Aeris and Catra wrestling on the ground.

Aeris electrocutes Catra, which triggers Catra to scratch her face. Blood oozes from a long claw mark across the shocked princess ‘ face.

Catra meets C'yras eyes, and the Empress sees utter terror. Catra proceeds to run away, despite C'yra and Aeris both calling for her.

‘I wonder why shes so afraid of a scratch?’ Aeris ponders aloud as they watch the corridor Catra disappeared down moments before.

‘Nothing good' C'yra replies, and she starts to realise that maybe this goes a lot deeper than she had originally thought.

‘Aeris, stay out of this corridor temporarily, I need to go talk to your father'

‘But-’ Aeris didn't even get to finish her sentence before Naeva returns from behind a corner and leads the princess away.

Amato is sprawled on his stomach, on the ground, when C'yra entered the council room again.

‘Its Catra. Shes been affected worse than we thought’ She slumps against the closed door.

Amato gets up fron the floor, concern in his eyes. For his stressed wife, and the ex Horde soldier Auralie and Ezra saved.

‘Then we'll help her through it, as quickly or slowly as she can. she will get better’ Amato declares.

C'yra looks up.

‘I just hope we can find her before the creatures of beast island find her, if she is where I think she is'

Naeva but I forgot her ears:

Naeva but I forgot her ears:

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