S2 - Redemption and Renovation

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The second C'yra and Catra had been washed away, a familiar dread settled in Liliths gut.

It only reminded her further of her predicament.

Betraying a lover was no big deal in her kingdom, but slitting the throats of her husbands allies while they slept was enough of an offence to have her executed by her father.

Though she did have an advantage.

Due to her timid and gentle nature, there was very little known about her powers.

Just that she had some sway over grottoes, geysers and springs.

The rest was entirely her secret, and her secret alone.

She did not regret revealing a fraction of her power to her friend and her husbands enemy.

Though she did feel a little stupid for not going with them, she had needed to stay behind to buy them time.

Neither of them had ever battled Puca.

He wielded darkness like a sword, fought as if it were a dance, and slaughtered in his cease of guilt.

Lilith had observed the recent twenty years of his battles with great memory, she had learnt his tells and weaknesses and strengths.

Tonight, she may not be able to defeat him, but she would be able to hold him back if she needed to escape.

That is why her fear had abated by the time he had finally appeared from the shadows.

'My lovely lily...What has possessed you to hurt me so?'

His voice.

No longer the silky drawl he used with his enemies, but the same kind, gentle, welcome, voice he just with her.


Not now Lilith! Do not allow him to manipulate you again!! She mentally berated herself.

'I wonder the same for you. Everything....every kiss...every compliment...every laugh...every single time you told me you loved me....Was just a lie built on my usage.'

'Is that truly what you think? That I would stoop so low to pretend? My love for you is as true as my mercy to Mab." He croons, believing her to be easy.

'You do not love me. Just what you can get from me.'

'I see.' His expression changes to a cold stare.

'Did it ever cross your mind...That while it may have been one big game for you....it was real to me...'

Her voice cracks.

For a split second, his careless facade vanishes.

She sees a broken look in his eyes.

Her eyes flutter shut so she cannot see it again.

Even a monster is capable of love, She realises.

'You have one last chance, My darling, Me or that vile species?'

'I would chose the magicats a hundred time. Do as you please. I am no longer your marionette tugged into obedience on a string. I am Lilith of the seven seas, and I obey no conscience but my own.'

Puca slowly raises his hands above his head, a ball of black magic forming from his palms.

But unlike any tines in the past where he would threaten her, she did not cower and beg for forgiveness. She matched his glare with a look similar similar to that of a storm that destroyed everything in its path.

It clearly unsettled Puca.

Yet after a moment, he released the magical blast.

She easily deflected it with a snap of her fingers, a barrier made solely of water holding it back.

The second it collided, it sent the magic straight back at him, and he ahd to dodge to avoid being incinerated.

He began running across the hallway while sending constant blasts at Lilith.

She defected each one, and matched his speed.

Willow trees burst from the ground alongside her every few seconds.

The sun has risen by now, sending orange and red hues across the skyline.

It makes Lilith look like a fallen angel out of a storybook, in her silver and periwinkle.

She sends blasts at him.

Icy water hits him full force in the chest, Puca cannot believe it.

His sweet, naive wife had become so ruthless and graceful in battle in a matter of moments, the gentleness she always held was somehow still present in the way her bare feet danced across the line of the horizon as she glowed from within, like the moon with a red sky.

She stares him down, cruel and cold.

He cannot comprehend what could have made her switch so drastically in a matter of moments.

Was it hatred?


The desire to heal her inner child?

He didn't know.

He tried to hide away within the shadows, but she could spot him easily enough.

Years of bottled up rage was being released.

'You are a traitor, dearest. Is that truly what you would prefer?' Puca attempts to deceive her once more.

'I'd rather be a traitor over a monster anyday' She snarls back in barely concealed fury.

'I am not monster, Lilith. I turned my back to injustice. You have one last chance. Choose smart, Little lily.'

'You forget, Puca, Are lilies innocent? Are lilies safe? No. They are poisonous. It is too late by far time you would notice. I slit the throats of hundreds this very evening. You did not notice. The others have turned their backs on you. They have fled as I distracted you. Now. Run little wolf, run away...' She breaths, as she sent him flying against the marbled tiles.

He scrambles back, shooting her one last glare, and runs off through the tall grass.

She turns back to the palace.

Just at that moment, Queen Mab Of the fairies came rushing out.

'Lady Lilith?' She gasps.

'Hello Mab. May I ask for your help in redesigning the palace? Now that my spouse has fled. I would prefer a more open palace, with flowers, and ivory, and all kinds of prettier things.'

'Oh thank Frejya he's gone....of course! Let's start with the foyer, shall we?'

Lilith nodded as she entered, a smirk still present on her face.

She had won.

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