S3 - Cigarettes and broken dreams

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"Wake up, sunshine."

That voice. Gruff....Eldritch....

"Catra, wake up."

She groans, and rolls over, hair in her face.

"Right, little goddess. Get up."

She rubs her head on something hard and comfortable.

"You're drooling on me, fucko. Get up!"

She opens her eyes slowly, chin resting on the chest of whoever...

She raises her eyes higher.... to be met with the face of-


"Well, little goddess. We meet again."

Puca sits there, staring down at her, with a vaguely ignored expression. Since she imprisoned him in the body of a pig, which is somehow reversed now, he has grown a goatee and his hair is greying in places.

"It's been a while." Her voice is low, tongue dipped in poison.

"Mind not rubbing your face on me?"

She pulls away quickly.

"I wasn't- Nevermind. Where am I?!"

"You aren't Alya's only prisoner."

"Fuck. We share a cell?!"

"We do."

Catra groans, and backs up against the mouldy wall.

"How long have you been here?" She says, when she finally tones her annoyance down

"About a month ago. A month of peace.". He grumbles, clearly just as annoyed as her.

"Mhmm. How was life as a pig, Pooks?"

"Call me that again and I'll strangle you....It was fine, I suppose. Simple."

Puca rolls his eyes as she giggles.

"Would you rather life as a pig or in this dingy cell?"


"Now then, escaping." Catra pushes herself to her feet with a groan as she stretches.

Puca watches her, perceptive eyes examing her physical health.

"Well, little goddess. Let's get to it."


The empty streets of Aziphiya were quiet for a long while.

But in the earlier hours of the morning, that silence is interrupted by the rumbling of chariots.

The members of the senate slowly fill the town centre, prepared to face whatever it was.

They weren't, however, expecting the three chariots that stopped before them.

The two on the sides contained nobles and staff of Half-moon, while the centre chariot contained Amato, Lyric, Maverick, Gata and C'yra.

C'yra is dressed in a leather sort of dress, tight, but with a slit on either side of her legs. Her hair is braid back, and her expression is silent fury.

"Senator," She drops down before them, "Traitor."

The senator freezes.

"T-traitor?! When have I betrayed you?"

"When you slaughtered my youngest. Imperial Princess Aeris, who was meant to become the lead huntress of the Half-moon tribal lands. Treason, and a declaration of war, Senator. This is rebellion."

C'yra's tone does not falter. Calm, composed, blank.

The Senators eyes round with fear.

"N-no! Your majesty!" He drops to his knees, "I didn't know! She did not mention the name D'riluth!"

"D'riluth or not, bigotry against anyone, no matter class, faith or anything, is strictly forbidden, and punishable by death. And you...you made my daughter a martyr. And you have started a war, senator. You cannot turn back now."

C'yra's words earn a fearful sob from the kneeling Senator. The rest of the senate bow too.

"Gather your armies, Senator. This is War."

With that, she boards the chariot again, and they make their way out.

Just in time to hear the Senator pleading for mercy as they rumble on.

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