S2 - Platters Of Loyalty

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The dacoits cheif banged loudly on the door.

He was a big burly man, dressed in a toga with longish hair.

Catra answers, and he's already off put by the sight of her wearing what was supposedly her most expensive and beautiful dress.

Her hair was braided over there shoulder with streaks of gold. Her dress was tight black, and hugged her body. A slit revealed her hip to the pointed heels of her silver toed sandals.

'Come in! Come on! I have a grand feast prepared for us! Follow me! My dearest brothers of heart!' She exclaimed, taking the cheifs hand and leading him and his brethren into the dining room.

She sits at the head of the table, and gestures for the cheif to sit across from her.

She had prepared a massive banquet, with the food piling each platter sprinkled with salt.

They all spoke a quick prayer, and then began to eat.

They spoke between each bite, and once they finished their bellies were full.

Catra excused herself momentarily, and came back a moment later with an ornate silver tray piled high with exquisite jewellery and diamonds.

She sat it directly in the middle of the table.

'Help yourselves, yet may I keep this ring? It was gifted to me by my beloved' Catra asks, gesturing to the ring on her finger.

'Of course! For you have welcomed us into your home, and treated us as brothers, and have used your salt upon us. May you stand as our sister of worship for eternity, and take this locket as a sign of peace from us dacoits. We shall make our leave, beloved jewel of bandits' The cheif declares, kissing her hand.

The others follow in suit, and marched out of the house in a far better mood then when they had arrived.

She waves them goodbye, and blows then a kiss.

Once they have gone, she smiles and turns away from the window, hand tight around the locket.

She had done it. She had charmed the dacoits.

But what she hadn't done was contact Adora for over a month.

Whoopee doo.

Anyways, she walked across the hallway, threw her bag over her shoulder, and stepped outside.

The Verena Xalia awaited her.

She jumped aboard, threw her newly achieved belongings into the brig for later, and entered the control room, where Melog sat.

She pressed a few buttons, and they set off for Elisia, a small island in Purrsia right outside Halfmoon, then she goes to the cargo hold, flicks through the crates and boxes.

She finds nothing useful.

She glances at the incinerator, which was built in the corner of the cargo hold.

She approached it, and looked at the Horde insignia of her old force captain badge.

She picks it up, and for a moment she reminiscences on the past, but after a few moments, she recalls the horror and tear she had unleashed in her rage, and cruelty.

She closes her eyes tight, and before she can rethink it, she tosses the green diamond shaped badge into the incinerator and waits for it to burn to ashes.

Her eyes open when she hears the whirring slow to a halt.

It's gone.

She feels lighter, somehow.

She leaves the room, and re-enters the brig.

Her eyes immediately land on her bag.

And then a quick glance at the full body mirror embedded in the wall.

She approaches the bag, picks it up, and pulls out Hemeras crown.

Her hands tremble as she slowly places it on her head.

Her eyes are closed, but she slowly opens them in shock.

It's a perfect fit.

It goes wonderfully with her eyes.

She knew her epithet was Hemera.

But the crown itself reminded her of things that had not happened in her lifetime.

Past and future.

Suddenly, she put the pieces together.

Freyjas words echoed in her head.

Eyes of circe, and lithe as a natural feline.

Magicats. Circes mismatched eyes of sun and sky.

Catra stumbles back. Reeling in shock.

This couldn't be true.

It just couldn't.

She was Catra. She could deal with being Namir. A princess? Sure.

But to be the creation and successor of fate himself?

That was an entirely different level.

She paled considerably.

She was trembling.



Melog burst in, to find her shrinking in the corner of the room, a hand clamped shut over her mouth, eyes wide in shock.

'What's wrong?!'  They exclaimed worriedly.

That's where they noticed.

For a second, there is almost a silence, but then Melog sits beside her.

'Don't worry. This will help us, remember? And remember what your book said? Everyone has a destiny, but it is their choice whether to act on it'

She smiled weakly.

'Thank, Melog.....crap! I forgot that we needed to prepare the armory!' She lept from the floor, Melog at her heels.

She slammed down on a button and yelled something incoherent.

Then smirked, turned and began walking to the main bay.

When she arrived, she began working quietly on changing the landing destination.

Which highly confused Melog.

'Where are we going?'

She smiled, and slowly crouched before them.

'We're recruiting some old friends of mine'

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