S2 - Fable Debutante

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At lunchtime the next day,

Catra helped Aeris into the ballgown, and watched over the stylists with her hair.

She couldn't shake her bad feeling off, and as the time drew closer, the more fearful she felt.

Atticus, the son of Count Marrow, was going to be her partner.

Atticus Marrow was a deaf boy of high intelligence, he had attended many revels and banquets with his father, and Aeris had quickly developed feelings.

Catra watched as he guided Aeris onto the stage.

She could see Aeris smiling like never before.

It wasn't long before Catra had pulled herself into a waltz with Tora, who had come from Tír na nÓg to help her watch out for Puca.

The dancing lasted only a few blissful minutes as when the music died down and the entire room was silent, an awful, loud, rip was heard.

Everyone turned towards the cause before they could even register what had even happened.

Catra gasped in horror when she noticed Aeris' mortified expression.

The front of her dress had torn.

her chest was on display for all the guests to see.

Luckily, before many could see, Atticus' had wrapped his jacket around her tightly.

‘T-take me to my room…’ Catra heard her stutter out and sign as he gently lead her away.

She felt horrified and livid that someone would dare do that to her little sister.

Needless to say, the feeling was mutual upon the majority of the guests.

Aeris was only fifteen, that was horrible.

Suddenly, a voice came from the other side of the room.

‘In all fairness, she deserved it. Shes a spiteful little shit.’


Naeva approached him, and for a moment there was silence, before to everyones delight, she punched him square in the face.

‘I may be only connected to Aeris through my fiancee, but I will not allow you to harm her in any way. Physically, Mentally and all other ways.’ She sneered.

And before Na”li could retaliate, he was being used as a punching bag.

A few moments later, Aeris and Atticus returned from Aeris’ room.

Catra gaped as she took in her younger sisters flushed skin and wide smile, which showed off her fangs.

Atticus was in a similar state, with faint lipstick marks littering his cheeks and lips.

The crowd gasped upon sight of the two

Catra laughed as Naeva and Lyric stared horrified at what used to be their annoying baby sister.

‘She grew up so fast’ Lyric breathed.

‘At least you got to see her grow up. I missed, like, thirteen years of her life?’

Naeva winced

‘But hey, Atleast I still get to tease her about her boyfriend now~’

She wiggled her eyebrows

They all laughed.

Maybe things are okay, thinks Catra. Maybe this time, she doesn't need to be worthy.

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