S2 - Princess Prom

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The day of Princess Prom had arrived.

Catra checked her outfit in the mirror once more.

She had chosen to wear a dress this year, for the simple pleasure of making Adora flustered.

It was an pale sage coloured lehanga of chiffon, with ornate white embroidered delphiniums.

She fixed her diadem, which had a chunk of azurite shaped like a rose embedded in it.

Sky blue powder shimmers across her cheek bones, lips and collar bone.

Shes ready.

The whole crowd turn to the door as the trumpet signalling that the Empress had arrived blew.

It stopped, and the two staircases that met and led with another one down to the main ballroom floor were empty.

The door at the top of each opened and shut as everyone watched excitedly.

Catra and Adora made fleeting eye contact. As their focus was mainly on the others clothes at that very moment.

They met at the top of the final staircase, and Adora offers Catra her hand, which she takes with a smirk.

‘You look beautiful ‘ She says after a moment.

‘You look like someone I would steal the stars and the moons for’ Catra replies, flashing her fangs with a smirk.

Adora looks confused.

‘What are stars?’

‘They're like tiny mini silver moons that we used to have before we were pulled into despondos.’

Adora nods.

The began to walk down the stairs and the whole ballroom parts to make a path for them.

They slowly position themselves for a waltz.

‘Ahhh, our second princess prom’ Catra says.

‘Yeah….’ Adora trails off.

Catra suddenly makes a little sound of understanding.

‘What?’ Adora replies, baffled.

‘I just realised how…Adora-BLE you are' She winked.

Adoras eyes narrowed as her cheeks heated.

‘You smooth motherfu-'

Catra cut her off with a kiss.

‘See, my starlight? Not bad to be cute’

‘If anyone needs to realise that its you’ Adora grumbles.

Catra rolled her eyes.

‘Yeah, yeah, whatever, but your name is literally derived from adorable!’

‘Yeah, but Catras are the cutest things on Etheria.’

‘Shut it, princess'

‘Of course, your grace’

The two laugh quietly to themselves.

After a few more minutes of silent bickering and dancing, the two part ways to talk to the others.

Adora goes to Bow and Glimmer, while Catra is alone and stays at the buffet table.

She’s really glad she demanded that fruit punch that morning.

She had just walked out onto the patio when a headache hit.

She was hit with visions of a planet. Plants. Eyes. An army of green eyed cyborgs.

She stumbles against the wall.

She sees a spaceship, with the words ‘Et Compassio' along the side.

She falls unconscious onto the ground with a quiet thud.

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