4- C'yras self inducing cringe ballad

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Catra was laying in a tree, when she heard a familiar voice from beside her.

Queen C'yra watched her, concerned.

'I-I...I..' Catra can't even get the words out, as shes wracked with sobs.

'Don't worry, you will not be punished. Aeris is worried about you' C'yra allows a kind smile to adorn her face as she holds the magicat teen closer to her.

'C'mon, cachorro, You're not in anyway trouble. That was nothing compared to the drastic pranks I did at your age and younger'

Catra finally shows a sign of life other then hysteria, by looking up at her.


'Here, let me tell you in somewhat entertaining way' C'yra and Catra are now at the bottom of the tree, and C'yra had her ukelele in her hands.

'Lets see..... Innocence varries in many~'

Catras ears perk up as the Queen attempts at a song.

'Theres not so much as plenty'

Catra leans back against the tree comfortably, her nerves calming considerably.

'In a land of carnage and fear~'

That catches Catras attention.

'The Horde, they're stronger then many, but the royals fail to recall'

Catra flinches at the mention of her old home.

'The princess who had taken the fall'

C'yras voice had taken a whispery tone, like this was something personal

'Abandoned by the ones she had called her friends'

Catra was reminded eerily of Entrapta.

'She finally met a dead end'

Catras eyes widen at the realisation that this was one of the Queens adventues of life.

'Pregnant, and soon to arrive'

Catras clawed hands overed her mouth in horror as she listened to the dark turn.

'A baby strove to survive'

Her eyes widened further.

'But to the princess' dismay, her baby was taken away'

Catras heart physically hurt.

'She screamed and yelled, and bargained, I say'

Everything was unravelling in her head.

'But as all things do, the day she was saved arrived '

A sad smile adorned Catras face.

'She was told her baby had not survived'


'The fall of D'riluth came faster'


'And Halfmoons kingdom grew vaster'

Catra smiles.

'But as for now, the show is down'

C'yra bowed as she plucked the finishing cord and made herself comfortable beside Catra.

'Basically, Life sucks sometimes, but you gotta make it through anyways, y'know?'

Catra stayed quiet.

There was a moment of silence, but then C'yra pounced on Catra.

'GAHA!-' Catra yelped as she flew and skidded across the ground.

C'yra laughed, clearly pleased.

But just as Catra had sat up properly again, a ping from the device around C'yras wrist caught her attention.

The Queen of Halfmoon tapped on the little screen, and Castsaspellas voice came out of it, like a tracker pad, Catra realised.

'Yeah, I'll be there in a minute' The screen faded back to black, and C'yra looked up at Catra. 'I gotta go, I'll be back soon, non-urgent urgent meeting, see you at dinnertime, cub, because I am not missing Amatos fajitas' C'yra kissed her on the forehead and ruffled her hair. A moment later, the magicat queen had glitzed away in a cloud of sparkly violet.

What was a fajitas? Catra thought as she made the long trek back to the castle.

But on the way, she saw a group of magicats around her age playing a game that included a few balls.

'Hey! You must be Catra, I'm Dior, and these are Mina and Aelia, We're playing dodgeball if you want to join' The magicat with ebony fur smiled at her, and held out her hand.

Cautiously, Catra took it.

'and seeing as Dior forgot to introduce me, I'm Nick. Fully, Nicholas, but never call me that' The singular male in the group grumbled. Catra smiled.

After a while, a magicat their age came over to the group, to antagonize Catra. His name, was Na'li. But Mina punched him hard in the face, and broke his nose. And then, she suggested the play something.

so they played Dodgball and many other games, right up the evening, when they all began to head back to their homes for dinner.

'See ya later not-princess' Nick winked, clearly doing the finger guns to annoy her.

She did them right back.

'Bye!' She called out they were about to go out of sight.


'Farewell, my friend!'

'I already said it.'


She entered the main room smiling, which was a good thing. But what she wasn't expecting, was C'yra and Amato needing to have a talk with her, while they upheld solemn expressions.

She was afraid of rejection.



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