S2 - Battle finale pt.1

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THIS was it.

The grand prophecy was unfolding.

The serpent's essence was cold like nothing in existence. Colder then a glacier in the midst of a winter night.

Chilly, merciless, is what is meant by that.

The silver dragon all the in North Dryl could feel it.

Even the magicats and their allies trembled under the serpent's essence. Despite their insistence to avoid showing it at all costs.

But by now Perse had reawoken, and she could already foresee the danger the cold-blooded creature was to anyone who crossed the invisible force leading it.

The serpent let out a horrific roar, and charged. It's little reptilian legs peddled speedily toward the enemy.

Lightening crashed and blazed around them, setting the trees aflame, alighting the whole area in a fiery orange haze.

Mermista drew forth a gigantic neo-monsoon, and sent it shooting toward a large sector of Horde Primes forces.

Castaspella, Micah, Shadow Weaver, C'yra, Amato and Aeris put all their power into creating a protective dome shaped barrier around the war zone. It stretched atleast ninety acres long and wide.

The serpent let out another low hiss as its forked down flew out and drank up the fear of those around.

A dozen average sized dragons flew around the place, aiding the serpent in its mission to commit genocide against the shadow warriors.
An ounce of fear had begun to grow in Pucas gut, as he scrambled away, banging uselessly on the barrier.

Fogs of purple, red and orange swirled around at the highest level of the dome, stopping anyone from seeing where the dragons, phoenix's and spare weapons were coming from.

But all of a sudden, one side of the dome crashed away for a moment, revealing a line of chariots with individuals inside that shone with power.

The gods themselves had arrived.

Freyjas chariot, led by two massive hissing cats raced into battle first, quickly motivating Yvonne, Eris, Danu, Dagda and Nemisis to do the same.

The dome was alive with flaming swords, intricately carved shields glinting gold and bronze, war cries and bloodshed.

Yells of pained desperation emitted as Lyric sobbed, hunched over Naevas unresponsive body.

Puca was confident the gods could not find him with his abilities to hide in the shadows.

But when Eris fluttered down before him like a moth, he involuntarily shivered in fear.

'You think the shadows can hide you? Well, my sweet, today shall be the day you learn that wrath and fear linger in the dark. I will not rest until

You're rotting in the very depths of hell. Eight layers deep.' The goddess' voice is like death by being crushed against sharp rocky edges in a stormy sea, like the draw of pebble against stone.

'Do you remember Euphemia? The woman you tortured to death over a misunderstanding? For your information, she was my lover. I never had a chance to say goodbye. And for that....Its a life for a life.'

The goddess of wrath unsheathed her butterfly swords, spun them around experimentally whole holding eye contact.

Puca stumbled back against the wall of the dome. He knew something had clicked within Eris. Something had changed.

She was not the same woman she was the days they were friends, the days she made jokes about her darling Euphemia, his assistant four hundred years ago.

He had torn her apart slowly and agonisingly with his bare hands, and now he faced her lovers wrath against his bloodied reign of darkness.

He cursed suddenly, and bolted underneath the goddess' wings. It was a miracle his face hadn't collided with the down facing blade of the left sword.

Eris kicked off into the air, eyes darting around in search of her prey.

'Don't run from me, pretty little Perseus. You cannot escape consequences this time.'

Yvonne watched as the goddess of wrath disappeared into the fiery mists gathering at the domes highest point.

She looked down from her chariot, to the battlefield below.

From here, the most prominent thing amongst the carnage and bloodshed was the poor female magicat sobbing and clutching her fiance to her chest.

'Please Eva......I cannot live without you...you can't leave me now...we haven't even gotten married yet...' The woman sobbed, shaking as she brought her lips to her lovers forehead.

The lover did not reply.

It was in that moment, Yvoone caught a familiar movement in the corner of her eyes.

'Rhys' She swallowed upon sight of her friend perched on the bonnet of her chariot with a frown on his face.

'I do not know when I shall take Naeva Blightshades life.' He said instead of greeting her.

'Please do not indulge in the thoughts of doing it so soon. How about she could last until the next midnight? She is supposed to get married this evening....Her lover, the imperial princess of Purrsia is completely and utterly heartbroken already.' Yvonne admitted, eyes pricking with sparkling tears.

'Aight then. I'll go collect the rest of then then.' And with that, death was instantly sucked into a vortex that disappeared and as
soon as he was gone. It was simply his way of transportation.

Freyja suddenly ran past, Thrungva in hand, Michael Jacksons "Smooth Criminal" blaring from the miniature speaker hanging hanging her belt, somehow louder then the actual war.

Cats and lions at her heels, scattering whenever she said to.

It was quiet the odd sight.

Especially to Na'li who screamed a slur at the goddess, regretting it only when she turned to him, eyes closed, lips stretched into a tight smile.

'I hear you humiliated Aeris D'riluth. Catra mentioned it, so I say....You die.'

Na'li screamed and began trying to run, but before he could get much further, hands sprouted out from the earth grabbing at his ankles, spreading their deathly disease to him.

He fell to the ground crying out in fear as his body, starting with his right leg, began to fester and rot away.

Lightening danced around Freyja as she circled him.

'I will never understand how you can believe that there is a single woman out there who may love you, possibly excluding your mother.'

Even before Freyja had gotten the words out, Na'li had rotted away.

Danu nearly vomited from her place between her seagulls and horses.

She had never seen Freyja kill someone in such a vile and disgusting way.

It was ungodly of her to do so.

But all of a sudden, Danu heard a chilling one of a scream. She, along with many others, turned to the cause.

The serpent was rising, and it twisted and bent as a separate figure formed from beside it. A woman, a goddess, wearing a crown of sunbeams, dressed in gold and white, donning a sceptre. Her eyes open.

Catra had risen from the dead.

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