S2 - Promise

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The next morning, The Empires gossip topic was the flare dragon that the Empress had summoned.

Many spoke of it with admiration and excitement. While few were suspicious and peeved by the Enchantress.

Catra herself was still recovering. Bow, Adora and Glimmer made sure she didn't do anything unnecessary, which also included her work as the Empress.

Gata and Fajr were seen to that in her place.

But all Catra could think about, was the empowering feeling she had when she was aflame, looking down around the patio.

She was going to relight that feeling one way or another, and she quickly discovered how. And in the process, she knew what she had to do to save C'yra.

'Sparkles, get the other two idiots, I have a plan'

Glimmer rolled her eyes, and disappeared in a poof of glitter. A moment later, she was back with Bow and Adora.

The three all looked put off by how early she was getting back on her feet.

'Catra, are you sure its safe?' Bow frowned in concern.

'I'm fine, arrow boy, I'm starting to understand the general situation I'm in' She explained with a groan.

'Including the reason for you bearing the mana of Circe?' Glimmer asked, excitement undertoning her voice. She was acting like Castaspella when

The elder sorceress was excited.

'Not yet. but I know where I'll find that information. Its time for me to go back.' Catra said with a determined expression.

'To the Horde?!' The three gasped in unison.

'No. To Xaliaon and Krytis. To the origins of magicats.'

The three sighed in relief on cue.

'Wait...Aunt Casta has a book of all places on Etheria, I've never seen or heard about either of those?' Glimmer looked at her, as she pieced it together.

'Yup. It's not on Etheria. They're the twin planets. One bore the magicats, and the other bore an unknown species, similar to cats still.' She explained.

'How?!' Glimmers eyes widened with excitement.

'Simple. I'm an alien. Also, I'm actually allergic to Etherias water? Like not like I'm gonna die serious, but still pretty bad. I break out in a rash, kinda allergic. My fur has a certain chemical in it that Etherias water doesn't do well with.' She shrugged and sighed.

'Err....Biology with Catra, the more you know' Bow replied, looking even more confused.

Adora looked more alert then usual, but Catra didn't press.

'How will you get there?'  Bow added.

'I've had Entrapta working on a spaceship for a while now. I called it Verena Xalia.'

''Oh..! Woah...You had a plan from the beginning.' Adora blurted out.

'Not really. I was just adding on more to our forces. And decided that once the intergalactic war breaks out, We're going to need a fleet of spacecraft. So I asked Entrapta to make me one, and write down everything along and Hordak could give it to Aeris, who I already know has a secret passion for building, and she and her gang could build more and more.' She admitted, blustering scarlet.

'Brainiac' A kind of familiar voice muttered.

The three spun round to face Naeva, who was standing on the threshold with a pouty expression.

Catra only smirked in her self pride and folded her arms.

'Right then....When do you plan on leaving?'



'You heard me' She shrugged.

'You need to rest! You're sick!' Bow insisted.

'So are Glimmer and Adora. Yet they're ignoring it in favor of helping me.' She deadpanned.

Bow turned to them.

The two princesses sidestepped in a different direction, blushing sheepishly.

'Really?' He grumbled.

'What!? In the Horde when we were sick we would avoid sight and train till we fainted!' Adora huffed.

'That is in no way healthy, girls, both of you to bed.' Naeva pointed her finger at them in a motherly way, 'And Catra, you can go, jsut for a week or two. You're not proper sick. It's just a runny nose, you're pale and sluggish due to the random overuse of mana. You'll be fine with a painkiller and a good night's rest. And the Verena Xalia can be put in one direction until someone takes over and redirects it. So you can sleep on the ship. Now scram everyone.'

The trio of idiots before her bowed their heads and then scurried off to their shared guest room.

Catra pulled the covers off of her, and moved to the wardrobe.

Naeva lowered her head for a second in respect, then she too left.

Catra packed quickly, but smartly.

After she finished that, she dropped by Entrapta to make sure the spaceship was complete, and then by Castaspella to collect her spacesuit as Entrapta had sent it there to have a few protection charms on it in case of emergency.

She put all her necessities into the spaceship, and called her friends to say goodbye.

She stood in the crytarium, a room with a pyramid roof that had a large gap at the top. The spaceship sat on a diamond shape platform right kn the middle. It gleamed in the early moonlight that poured in the gap, the material reflected off of the platform.

Catra thanked and gave Entrapta a handshake (hairshake?), which the purple-haired woman much appreciated due to her dislike of touch.

She gave Glimmer and Bow hugs, and promised to call them for updates every own and then.

A quick goodbye, and a hand on shoulder with Hordak, still awkward over the last time they spoke within the Horde.

She hugged Naeva, and the head of the guards ruffled her hair and made her promise to return in one piece.

Then came her goodbye to Adora. They hugged, and neither wanted to let go. But they did, and then Catra did something Adora did not expect.

Catra peppered her face with kisses and looked into her eyes. 'I'm going to miss you, y'know'

Adora pulled her in for a chaste kiss, ignoring the stares.

'Come home for me. Get what you're going for, and come home.' Adora gasped through it.

'I will. This is my turn to promise you.' Catra said, pressing her fourhead to hers.

'Do you promise?'

'Of course, Starlight. I will promise you time and time again, and each time, I will stay true to it. I love you.'

Adora teared up. 'I love you too, Catra'

A/N; Hey guys, so I just wanted to inform ya'll that since the chapters are getting far longer, the updates will now be just twice a week :)

Enjoy them:)

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