43 - Dealed Away

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C'yra stood on the stage overlooking Halfmoon.

A battle raged on the platform below her.

That was until a voice called out to her mockingly.

‘C'yra! Look-y here!’

She turned to Puca and froze.

He was holding Aeris, with a knife to her throat.

‘Strike a deal, Woman, and everything will be alright.:

‘Anything. Just don't hurt her!’

Aeris murmured something incoherent.

‘I'd like something a little specific.’

‘I'll…..I'll give myself up.’

Puca smirked, and shoved Aeris into the crowd below without losing his eye contact with the Empress.


He pulled her closer, and the two were whisked away in a cloud of darkness.

Pucas followers at their heels.


Aeris had Lyrics shawl wrapped tightly around her as Catra paced before her angrily.

‘-And she agreed?! Argh!’

She threw herslf at the bed.

Aeris stayed silent.

Catra suddenly noticed Aeris shaking, and took a deep breath.

‘I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten angry. It must sound like I'm blaming you.’ She admitted, perching herself beside the young magicat gently.

Their tails intertwined.

Lyric pulled them closer. Mav did the same on the other side.

‘To end this hundred year war, you must rise and lead with power and compassion.’

The disembodied voice comes from her locket.

The others gasp.

‘You're Namir?!?’ Lyric exclaims.

‘That makes so much sense’ Mav deadpanned.

Aeris just hugged her tighter.

‘I know, I know…But Tora, the previous Namir, is right. to end this war. I have to lead the entirety of Purrsia to victory.' She pauses. ‘Lyric. I need to become the new Empress.’

Lyric smiled proudly.

‘Thats my sister.’


The days coming up to the ceremony were tedious.

Lucky for Catra, her girlfriend and Lyric, Queen Angella and Castaspella had taken on the role of the planners.

Catras nerves were everywhere as the day grew closer.

She was going to take C'yras place as the Empress.

She didn't even know what her runestone did, or how to activate it.

She visited the library often. Spending hours at a time reading through books on Purrsias history and politics.

The preparations too where coming to a neat end. Tomorrow, Catra would sit in the throne of the empress, donning a sceptre and a crown.

And possibly Adora would join her in the twin throne in years to come.

Tomorrow, History will be written in a font different.

Catra was not her mother, nor was she Avena, or Eiru, or any of her ancestors.

She was Catra. The ex Horde soldier. The strong willed heir.

Ut Compassio, Ut honestus, et fortis Passioni deditus.

Compassion. Honesty. Strong willed.

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