S2 - Tongueless and trialed

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It was stupidly easy sneaking back inside.

The guards were still on the hunt for them in the Whispering Woods, so there was an immense lack of them indoors.

Unlocking the corner room door was easy, due to Catras claws.

But what neither expected was to find Glimmer, sitting silently in the corner.

'Why are you here again..?'

'Damn Sparkles, Am I really so easy forgotten? I'm hurt'

'Catra?' Her head shot up, 'Its really you?!'

'Ahi else would it be? No one is as talented as I'

Glimmer didn't bother to reply, trapping her in a weak embrace instead.

'You came back.'

'Of course I did. You're my friend.'

Glimmer pulled away slowly, smiling tiredly.

'Thank you'

'Your welcome, now the guards are coming so-'

Loud banging on the door caught their attention .

Melog screamed.

We don't have any time to lose!

Catra stopped in her tracks. The answer was now so easy for her.

‘Melog. Take Glimmer and get out of here. Its about time I meet Puca face to face.’

Her friends had no choice but to obey, and the next moment, she was alone.

The doors flung open, and Puca stormed in.

Lilith fluttered alongside him like an obedient little spouse, though she wore a mask of evident fear.

Puca snapped his fingers when Catra simply crossed her arms and raised her brow at him, and two unseelie fairies ran forward and dug their talons into her arms on either side.

Catra finally got to get a better look at the throng of creatures swarming the hallway behind Puca and his wife.

Dark fairies, banshees, a group of fear gorta, formorians, fuath and many others.

Puca was clearly laden with creatures of many kinds.

In all honesty it was unnerving to Catra.

The unseelie fairies on her sides dragged her painfully by the arms behind Puca and Lilith as they turned and strutted through the hallways.

Catra took notice of how lilith was always a small step behind Puca, and was jogging to keep up with him.

She almost pitied her.

Soon, they arrived inside a throne room. The creatures flooded into the benches lining the walls, while Catra was forced to her knees in front of Puca, who had taken up his place on the throne crafted of magicat bones.

‘Hello child…’ He drawls, sending angry goosebumps down Catras arms.

She bites her tongue, and accidentally draws blood.

‘My lord? It appears that her necklace is talking? and we cannot get it off no matter how hard we try!’ One of the unseelie fairies admit, frowning widely.

Puca glowers at Catra as he slides off his throne and approaches her.

He kneels before her, tilting her head to look him in the eyes.

But before he can speak, she spits in his face.

The blood splattered across his nose and cheek is a shocking contrast in its scarlet.

‘So you wish to bite your tongue rather then allow me to speak? Very well then. Glaistig? Be a dear, and cut her tongue out for me? I would prefer not to dirty my hands with the dirty blood of a weak seed child’ He sneered, stepping back.

The goat with the upper half of a woman, frowned. But approached her nonetheless.

Glaistig gently held up Catras face by her jaw as she slid an odd looking

Instrument under her tongue.

It tasted like copper, Catra thought.

But the next moment, all she could feel was the horrible, searing pain as her tongue was torn out.

The next second, her mouth was pooling with blood.

She heard the slippery slap of her tongue hitting the marbled ground, and cringed.

‘Now. Lilith? Lock the child in a cage, I will see to her personally in the morning.’ To Catras disgust, he licked his lips and looked her up and down as he spoke.

Lilith helped her to her feet, and led her along the many corridors until they arrived in the tallest tower of the palace.

A giant silver birdcage sat right in the middle.

‘I'm so sorry dear…’ Liliths cerulean eyes glistened with tears as she locked the cage with Catra inside.

Catra gave what she hoped was a smile, but through the blood she doubted it looked anywhat sane.

Lilith disappeared a moment later, leaving Catra completely alone in the room.

Catra slid down the wall, silent and running her hands through her hair.

What had she just gotten herself into?

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