S3 - Goddess & Serpent

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"AND how do you suppose we'll cross that big bit of ocean there, huh? I need to recharge my powers, and all you've got is trauma and a docile snake.' Glimmer mutters.

'Honestly, fuck you.' Catra grumbles in response.

'What else do we have?' The princess of Brightmoon ignores her friend.

'Umm....the power of...friendship..?'

Glimmer groans aloud.

'What about your Namir thing? Can't you just do that?'

'Heh...heh...it's sort of...gone...?'


Catra cringes at Glimmer's flabbergasted expression.

'I sort of consumed it.'


'No! I consumed it as in I buried it in my chest! Uhh...surgically. So it's gone.'

Glimmer gaped at her.

'What surgeon in their right mind would insert a necklace into someone's chest?!'


'You're not a surgeon, Catra.' Glimmer half-groaned half-whined.

'But I can be.' Catra wiggles her eyebrows.

There is a moment of thick silence.

'Actually....I think I have an idea.'  The Empress of Halfmoon chuckles slyly.

'What is it...?' Glimmer trails off.

'Remember the War of Nocturnia? When Morrigan showed off his true size? Yeah, let's turn this fine snake into a sea snake. Onward, friends!'

Glimmer pitys Morrigan.

Catra kneeled, and held out her arm.

Morrigan slithered out from underneath her coat sleeve and onto the sandy terrain.

'Now, My sweet, do you understand what you have to do?' Catra cooed as she stroked the snake's head.

At once, a crimson mist surrounded the serpent as he transformed.

His body elongated. Gleaming black scales adorned him as he grew, his eyes ebbing into gold.

In mere moments, a sixty foot serpent the width of a bus was slithering slowly into the water.

Catra and Glimmer clamber up onto his back.

Morrigan glides through the water calmly, his shiny underbelly grazing the seabed.

Catra's gaze settles on the dark silhouette that they are approaching.

'So like....what exactly are we actually doing?' Glimmer mumbles.

'You're telling me you came along on this mission with no idea whatsoever of what We're looking for?'


'Sweet saints...We're here in search of a witch. Avena.'

'Avena? Why do you need a witch?'

'I....I can't tell you. I can't tell anyone. Except Fate. I need to find Fate. And I need Avena to teach me how to tear and seal holes in the fabric of reality, so I can go back and forth between here and New Aether.' Catra swallows, her heart weighing in her chest.

Glimmer doesn't ask any more questions as they make their way across the seas toward the land.

In fact, neither of them spoke again until they arrived at the harbour of Elisia.

Morrigan resized into his tiny snake form, and took haste to reach Catra's forearm.

Catra and Glimmer stood tall (despite their lack of height) at the edge of the harbour, with the eyes of all Elisians gathered there on them.

Glimmer trembled under their control gazes, whilst Catra smirked all around her.

'Who here knows the whereabouts of Avena D'riluth?' She declares the question.

'Who are you to seek out our leader?' A young boy with dark hair and the same shared magicat features of Purrsians enquires.

'My name is Catra D'riluth. And this is Glimmer of Brightmoon. A terrible thing is on route, and we need Avena's help to stop it in its tracks.' She explains, squatting down to meet the boys eye level.

'Another D'riluth?!'

'My, she's quite a beauty!"

'What ever happened to C'yra?'

'Something terrible?!'

The whispers of the crowd meet Catra's ears in an onslaught of confused jabbering.

'So can anyone take me to Avena?' She looks around.

'I can.' Says the young boy, stubbornly patting down his fringe as he speaks.

'Then, Err...what's your name?'

'Payam.' He swallowed.

'Right then, Payam, lead the way!'

Payam turned and began the trek down the grassy terrain, the crowd parting like the red sea. And Catra had a feeling it wasn't for her or Glimmer.

A/N; This chapter is shorter and earlier then usual because I can't post tomorrow as its St.Paddy's day and I'm Irish.

Up the RA, motherfuckers. 🇨🇮🍻☘️

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