24 - Rock Trip

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Friday evening, Catra went exploring.

She hadn't yet noticed, but it was starting to get dark.

Suddenly, she tripped over a rock, and went tumbling down into a tunnel of some sort.

The entrance was a small circular hole in the tunnels roof, which she had fallen through.

Immediately, she unsheathed the sword of Namir, and transformed. It caused a faint light to gather, but it faded after a moment, and the tunnel fell into complete darkness once again.

She sighed, and began to move onward.

After what felt like an eternity, she came across a polished silver door, with traditional symbols carved into it.

Two silver flamed braziers were on either side.

Catra opened the door easily, and stepped inside the well lit room.

It was spacious, with stone walls and floors, and such high standard tech that Entrapta would die for lined the cubby holes.

One shelf hung on the wall right above the head of the table that was in the middle of the room.

It was half full with ancient looking books.

She approached it cautiously, knowing that she was in the ruins of some place important.

Her heterochromic eyes skimmed over the books, finally choosing one titled ‘The Nova War’.

She plucked it out of the shelf and made herself comfortable, by curling up in the seat at the head of the table.

She felt her eyelids drooping as she flipped through the pages, and she was about to give up, when her eyes caught something interesting.

It was illustration of Namir, fighting a familiar figure with sky blue eyes, and golden blonde hair.


But why was she in a history book of the magicats?

Catra quickly read through the scriptures surrounding it, and quickly understood.

She-ra had never been created to protect Etheria. But as a weapon during the war with the magicats, aka the Nova war. In return, the gods had bestowed the magicats with a warrior goddess of their own, Namir.

The war between the first ones and the magicats, was because the first ones wanted to obtain the power of the twin runestones that the magicats owned.

The Empress of the magicats at the time, Cassiopeia D'riluth, lead the battle with a fierce and determined paw.

During this war, the first ones had inhabited an unstable planet called Eternia, and the immortal queen Marlena had fallen severely ill.

The she-ra at the time, was the queens young niece. Claudia.

But unfortunately, the sixteen year old died during the crossfire when Grayskull castle was invaded and burned to ashes.

The first ones lost the war badly. They had half of the population they had before they had waged war with the magicats. As of to speak of the feline beings, they had successfully driven the first ones from their empire, and were free to roam Etheria once more.

Catra shoved the book across the table, shocked.

‘Oh my Moros…’ She breathed.

She moved to get up and stretched her legs, when suddenly, she was enveloped in a magical burst of light.

Only one realisation went through her mind;

She was in a temple. A temple sacred to Namir.

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