15 - S.A.M.I.R.A.

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Catra was bamboozled.

An awful migraine, had gathered in her head.

'Are you alright?'

She jumped back when a feminine voice echoed in her ears.

Only now did she realise that she was in a white dome, with potted plants at the edges, and pale glass panes letting in golden light on the roof.

A female magicat stood before her, with a mass of fiery red hair, dressed in bronze and black robes that hugged her figure in a complimentary sort of way, and black copper lined boots were pulled up to her thighs.

She was tall, and her eyes were like kaleidoscopes. she kneeled beside Catra, tilting her face to meet her eyes.

'I have been waiting for you for many millenia'

Catra was not only bamboozled, but utterly flabbergasted.

'What do you mean?! who are you?! How do you know me?!'

'I mean, that I am your guidance and guardian, I am Samira, almighty Deity of Dru'hm . You, Elizabeth Catra Dr'iluth, are also Namir' and

'Okayy. Now can you tell where the fick we are?' Catra snapped.

'Of course! We are in the Sword of Namir!'

Catra gaped. 'Whats the sword of Namir!? What do you mean by we are inside of it?! who is Namir?! '

Samira smiled.

'The sword of Namir was a magical weapon, forged by the great hero Astrella before the battle of Dru'hm. It can only be wielded by Namir. We are inside of the sword, through the magic threaded through, allowing us a private pocket to interact properly in. You know Shera? Yes?:

Catra hissed out a yes through gritted teeth.

'Similar to how the once infant survivor of the war became the Shera? You have become Namir. As a warning, you will be in form of Namir once you have returned, but all you have to do is will yourself to turn back to your normal self. and you will. and so forth '

'Will I be back here at any point?!' Catra couldn't lie, she was intrigued.

'Yes, yes! Of course. Through Namirs locket, you shall be able to enter Azabhar as you wish. By taking the pendent in your hand and thinking hard. Through this, I shall teach you Namir's strengths and limits. Power and feat. But for now, your family calls. Farewell, brave Catra. Stay strong'

Samira cups Catras face, and utters a few strange words, and the younger magicat is engulfed in a fury of light.

When it dies down again, Catra finds herself kneeling by a long, slender sword, with a pale pink oval overlaid on the hilt.

Shes dressed in a billowing, copper and black Lehanga, with her hair pulled into a curled plait, with golden laurels.

she admired herself momentarily, even taking the time to look at the copper coloured greek style gladiator sandals her clawed feet now adorned. A locket hung from her neck.

Suddenly she heard yelling from above. C'yra, She realised.

She picked up the sword and focused hard on it, and a moment later, she felt a less prominent version of the ache from before return.

But now she didn't know what to do with the sword, an the locket still hung from her neck.

So she hid the locket in her bodices secret pocket, and slung the sword through a ring on her belt.

She felt about the walls of the tunnel, and slowly began to climb. Every step she took had to be completely perfect, and she succeded.

She lay in the grass for the simple pleasure of nature.

But when the yelling began again, she got to her feet and followed the noise. It seemed to be coming from the trees.

Catra stood waiting just as the branches canopying across the edges of the forest were shoved aside, revealing a distressed C'yra, a homesick Aeris, a tired looking Amato, and a prowling Shadow Weaver.

Upon sight of Catra, C'yra ran up and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

'Well, I have a long story to tell, so I'll explain it as we go home, because I want a meal, drink and a good nap' Catra yawned.

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