S3 - Battle of the Blame

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Catra's boots squelch in the mud.

Elisia has been left ravaged and soaked to the roots after a series of horrific storms.

And yet, here she finds herself and Puca, pushing through the dirt toward Avena's tent.

Desperate times call for desperate actions.

However, when they arrive at the tent, they find it empty.

"Trust Ave not to prep for visitors." Puca snorts.

Catra raises a brow.


"Something wrong?"

She shakes her head and smiles.

The two step out again, and continue trudging through the mud.

It is at least another twenty minutes before they arrive at the bunker.

Somehow, Puca managed to find it first.

"The code is in Old Xaliaon. Shouldn't the Empress know that?" He says mockingly.

"Shush. I've been too busy trying to save the world from you, and whatever is happening now." She grumbles, pushing open the heavy metal doors.

The inside is warm and humid, and half of Elisia's population is there.

"Uh....hello?" Catra looks around at the people staring.

There is a few seconds of whispering, then to their luck, Payam makes his way through the crowd.


He takes in Puca's presence, and takes a nervous step back.

"Don't worry," Catra smirks, "He's bound to me as my servant. He's harmless."

"The people will stay be wary, come. Avena is in the dragon den."

Puca splutters.

"Dragon den?! But the dragons died out during the Nova War?"

Catra frowns.

"Weren't there dragons during the War of Nocturnia? Like, six months ago?"

"Indeed, little goddess." Puca sighs. "However, those dragons were simple mirages. Circe does it all the time. It was to motivate the people on your side. To remind them of what they had lost."

"Ohh...." She nods.

Payam grabs both their hands ,a little gingerly, and drags them through the room, and down a long stairwell.

The room they enter, is kind of like a cavern and a horse stable combined. But a sort of cliff edge is at the other side, leading out to the world.

And nothing could prepare Catra for the sight of a massive, real Dragon in the centre of the cavern, chains keeping it contained.


Avena stands, dressed in tight leather and knee-high boots, by the dragons maw. Staring at the young empress with a semi-impressed expression.

"Well. Avena."

Catra folds her arms across her chest.

"Well done. You survived." Avena raises a brow. Then notices Puca.

Her calm demeanour drops. Her eyes widen. She clutches the hilt of her sheathed dagger.

"Wait! He's harmless!" Catra steps in front of him.

"He's the LORD OF DARKNESS!" She pulls the dagger out.

"I bound him to me with magic! He is bit a mere servant, TO ME."

She stops in her tracks. Then her eyes harden.

"Only gods can do that."


Catra grips Puca's sleeve as the revelation hits Avena.

"You...you cannot possibly be a god." She breathes out.

'Well, I am. I am the Goddess Hemera, daughter of Fate. Empress of Purrsia. Leader of New Aether. I was born from the blood of Old Xalion. And I returned for your aid. To protect my people."

Avena steps back. Swallows. And closes her eyes.

"Very well then. Come with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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