S2 - Aeaea

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Castaspella had come to learn that when magicats were around, impossible things happened.

But that did not stop her from being surprised when she found C'yra and Catra staggering toward the camp.

She checked them both for chips, then delightedly led them inside and introduced them to the alliance who hadn't yet met them.

Glimmer had embraced Catra gratefully, while the others watched on.

It was a knock on the door that caught everyones attention.

Mermista had returned from a scouting mission with awful news.

‘What is it?’ Angella exclaimed, practically leaping to her feet.

‘Its Prime…he….He has the magicats king chipped.’

C'yra growls lowly, catching everyones attention.

‘I swear to Freyja if that numpty has harmed him in anyway….I won't hesitate to tear his beloved ship to pieces.’ She snarled.

‘Calm down, mom. Actually, wheres Naeva, Adora and Aeris? Shouldn't they be here?’ Lyric frowns when she finishes.

Catras ears perk up at the mention of Adora.

She has to remind herself that Adora is strong enough to hold her own against threats, yet she worries nonetheless.

She wonders how C'yra must feel, to know that the love of her life was endangered, yet could not do anything to protect them.

Catra sighs quietly.

‘Entrapta? What are the statistics of the upcoming blood moon war?’

‘Err…..They are….deplorable on our end..’

‘Well fuck.’

After a moment of contempt, Catra speaks up again.

‘I'll be back soon, I have an idea thats better kept secret until the very last moment.’

Before anyone can reply, she struts out of the cavern and around the corner.

Once there, she focus on summoning Namir.

When she does, she uses the entities power to create something…or somewhere.

Just a place to escape…a place entirely her own….a place where she could live in her divinty openly without the fear of rejection.

She closes her eyes.

And when she opens them again, she is on a beach. She lools around, and quickly figures out she has conjured up an island.

Impressive, she thinks to herself.

She turns to find a little cottage a bit further inland, surrounded by yew

trees and a picket fence.

Theres a sign on the gate to the garden.

Aeaea; It reads.

She decides that it shall be the islands name.

She enters the garden, and is immediately wrapped in a sense of home.

She steps inside the cottage.

The scent of lavender and jasmine wafts around the little building.

She looks at the cauldron bubbling over a fire.

Theres a basket full of herbs by the sink, and a storybook laying on the table.

She feels oddly safe, and moves on to explore the rest of the cottage.


She is momentarily disoriented when she reawakens.

She looks around.

She is in a soft, comfortable bed. Still in the cottage. There is a lilac plaid quilt over the duvet shes under, and there is clothing folded neatly at the end of the bed.

Someone had definitely been in here, but who? She wonders.

She turns to the table by the bed, and is even more surprised to find a plate of berries, other chopped fruits and a little variety of sliced bread types.

Beside the platter, theres a pitcher of juice, and next to it is a ceramic cup.

She is quite puzzled by the situation, but believing it to be a dream, she eats the food, drinks the juice, and dresses in the folded clothes.

She finds that it is a rose pink chiton dress,that cinches at her waist.

There are gladiator sandals at the foot of her bed too.

She quickly finds herself enjoying whatever this was, and in all honesty, she didn't truly to care.

The only downside was that she could not share it with Adora and her family.

She had literally transported herself away to a magical island called Aeaea that did not exist on any map, and she had straight up created it from her mind alone.

She rubs her eyes, and walks back through the open plan cottage, and the garden, and she steps out into the coastal area.

Now that she has had a good rest and a filling meal, she notices that there are a few rock pools around the edges of the water and approaches them.

But seeing as she had been the one to created Aeaea, she was shocked to find a beautiful woman waist deep in the water.

The woman shoots her a dazzling smile before gesturing to someone under they waters surface to come up.

‘Hello my lady….My name is Perse, and this is sister mine, Dione. We are two of nereids, spirits of the sea. We are here to serve you as our goddess. We live in the waters, yet hold the ability to do the same on land. Though the nymphs and your graces shall see to that’ The pretty woman explains.

Dione smiles and waves at her.

Catra feels herself bubbling with giddiness as she waves and smiles back bashfully.

‘May I know exactly who these graces and nymphs are?’ She asks after a moment of contemplation.

‘Of course! Nymphs are nature spirits! They will help you just as we do. And the graces? Beauty, Joy and Mirth. They are technically your three personal assistants, your handmaidens. Though with them they can be summoned with the mere snap of a finger, as they were created to aid you.’ Dione adds.

Catra nods to show that she understands.

‘Well I must return to Etheria for some time. I will return for good when the time is right, and my family, friends and lovers have passed on. But for now, I am not done.’ She admits.

‘That is okay! Lovely goddess! We nereids, Nymphs and graces can simply occupy the area you are in, if you need us, we will aid you with our full faith!’ Dione declares.

Catra smiles softly at her.

‘Thank you…darling. Now I must return, farewell for the time being!’ Catra

says gently, then turns to the sunlight that spills over her, making her appear otherworldly in her beauty.

The sunlight shines a few hues brighter, and when it has faded down to how it was once more.

She is gone.

The sunlight had taken her, and returned her to where she needed to be.

The nereid sisters smiled at each other.

‘Lets join our goddess, sister mine, if a hand is lain without consent on our lady, we shall fight tooth and nail in her honor! follow me, young Dione!’ Perse announces, and begins to swim off in the direction of Etheria, the silver shimmer of her tail glinting in the early morning light.

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