S2- Shades of black and white and inbetween

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Lonnie had been on patrol duty when she saw a spaceship crash right in front of her.

Even more shocked when Catra appeared and offered her, Kyle and Rogelio a chance at freedom.

She agrees, obviously.

And that's how they ended up in this situation.

Currently, Kyle, Rogelio and Lonnie sat unaccompanied in the crew quarters, confused and wondering if this was something to regret.

The door opened, and Catra stepped inside.

Something about her was different, perhaps her gaze had softened? Maybe it was the style change?

'I know you're confused, but let me explain' Catra said, sitting on a low bunk.

'But when I was sent to Beast Island, I never actually made it to the island. They tried to drown me. But I was saved, by two people who became two of my friends later on, and and took me to halfmoon. The Empire I came from. Which it turns out.....I was the princess of, then there was a bunch of drama and shit, turns out I too am a magical mythical warrior lady with a fancy sword, blah blah blah, My mom was kidnapped, I became the Empress, We are being invaded by two different tyrants, Puca and Horde Prime, and we need allies. Help? That's not the end, though"

The trio stared at her.

'I....Are you deranged?'


'So it's just Catra being delusional?'



Lonnie rolled her eyes, yet was genuinely surprised that he knew what those words meant.

'Kyle, This is Etheria, its not as far fetched as plant golems and Sea-ra'

'Those did exist though'

'Fine, not as weird as Hordak having a girlfriend'

'He does actually'

'I never said he didn't, I just said it was weird'

Catra groaned into her hands as Melog entered.

Immediately, the trio went into panic mode.

They positioned themselves for battle and raised a random stick above Melog to threaten them.

'Čalyria, control your dumbasses'

She rolled her eyes.

'Guys, meet Melog, a friend of mine who I found on a different planet.'

Kyle fainted.

Actually fainted.

Rogelio caught him and sat him on the bed before turning back to Catra and speaking in lizard.


Catra nodded and stood up.

'You guys get some rest, I'll begin designing your spacesuit!' She smirked.

Lonnie shuddered.

Rogelio nodded absent mindedly.

Kyle snored.

Catra stepped outside, Melog followed in suit, and the door closed behind them.

She walked to the captains quarters, thinking hard.

Melog wandered off to the brig so that they could snoop through Catra newfound belongings.

They frowned when they found the crown on the ground. (Hey that rhymed!)

They picked it up, and stared at the beautifully sculpted sun in the center.

"Everyone has a destiny, but it is their choice
Whether to act on it or not"

They remember their own words well.

Yet they know Catra does not have that choice.

She was made of fates flesh and the blood of the gods.

She was born of power and beauty that she had no choice in. Though she did occasionally use her beauty as a tool in battle.

They were afraid of what some would do when Horde Prime and Puca figure out the value she held.

They could twist fate to their whims.

They shuddered.

Suddenly Catra entered the brig.

'Hey Melog, Do you remember where I said Gata put the materials?'

She was oblivious to the possibilities she may have.

'The vault, its across from the cargo hold'

'Thanks bud!'

And she was gone again.

They sighed, and fell against the wall.


Two hooded figures step into the tavern.

Rowdy groups, intoxicated and loud, payed them no mind as they approached the bar and one threw three silver coins onto the bar.

The barman stopped cleaning a glass when the silver clattered against the wood.

'What can I get you tonight?'

'Two pints please, thank you very much' Said the taller one.

'Hurry it or we'll punch your bridge in' The shorter one snarled.

The barman nodded and began to prepare the drinks.

'Why were you so rude? Gata, Come on!' The taller one scolds quietly.

'Well Fajr, I'm sorry that you don't know a think about the edges' Gata hissed in response.

'How do you know?'

'Because I ended up here after I hung around the wrong people and I was orphaned because of it! Okay!?'

Fair frowned and rubbed her arm apologetically.

'I'm sorry....let's just continue..' Suddenly Fajr gasped. 'Over there, in that corner, that's Aedan, Pucas army lieutenant!'

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