38 - Ritual Pt.2

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'I wonder whats going on over there' Says Aeris from the pavilion, gazing upon the distant sliver of silver that is the roof of the temple.

'I hope shes alright' Lyric replies, leaning against the stone fence-like wall.

'Hey wheres my mom?' Glimmer said suddenly, growing pale considerably quickly.

'She's now here? Maybe C'yra knows?'

'I bet shes fine...My mom is scary when shes mad' Glimmer admitted.

'Yeah.....' Says Aeris, yet she can't shake the awful feeling that something was seriously wrong.

The fight had begun almost immediately.

Catra dodged, while Angella blasted orbs of murderous glitter at her.

But due to how long she'd been awake, her exhaustion, her stress, Catra was slowing.

And Angella managed a hit.

Seeing actual stars in her vision, she fumbled with her dagger.

Catching sight of the blade slipping through her fingers and falling to the floor was what broke the camel's back.

The thump against the floor sounded like a jackhammer against her cranium, such a small noise so powerful that it was overwhelming.

Combined with the lack of oxygen and the agony she had already trapped herself in, she closed her eyes and slumped to the side.

Her head hitting the rimmed altors was the last thing she heard before the darkness took over.

C'yra saw red.

She had seen everything go down. Yet tradition kept her from barging in.

That was until Angella had blasted the princess into unconsciousness.

C'yra, in the midst of a moment, speeded into the room and punched the queen or Brightmoon square in the face.

While Angella recovered, C'yra suddenly felt breathless, trying to suck in a breath as she frantically tried and tried again to force oxygen down her throat and into her craving lungs as a realization hit her.

This was a trap.

Angella wouldn't hurt anyone unless someone dear to her was on the line.

She recalled the three-way war, the Horde Vs Brightmoon Vs Dryl.

The Horde had taken a three-month old Princess Glimmer from her cot one fateful night, and Angella had to trade someone similarly aged of royal blood in her daughters place to get her back.

So what had driven the Queen to attempted murder?

It was all so confusing.

'C'yra..?' Angella slowly stood.

'Angella, meet me in the planetarium in an hour, We need to talk about something '

The moment a confused Angella leaves, C'yra wraps her white and gold cloak around the shivering yet unconscious teen, and lifts her up.

With a snap of her clawed fingers and a flash of an iridescent purple sheen, the two appeared in Catras bed chambers.

The muscular Empress lowers the girl gently onto the bed and pulls the blanket up over her.

Once the lights are out, she goes to meet Angella in the Planetarium, through the dark hallways plunged in a deep, nightlike darkness.

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