10- Invitation

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Glimmer appeared in front of her startled mother, with Bow and Adora at her side.

'Yeah?! Is it a mission?! Can I punch someone?!'

'No! Absolutely not! I called you because you have been invited to a ball in the honor of a missing princess' return, the ball is on a remote island in an empire. The island is called Pantherna. Its....tomorrow..?'

Glimmer let out a glittery sqeak of excitement, then grabbed Adora and Bow and disappeared to her room to get ready.

Angella groaned in an unbecoming way, dragging her palm across her face.

'First, I just know something Is going to go wrong, secondly, I am going to be stuck alone with shadow. weaver' She nearly yells.

Meanwhile, Shadow Weaver lay on the hard floor of her "prison" praying for the wine gods to appear before her and give her some hard liquor to quench her thirst for wine.


In Pantherna, Catra danced around the room she had here.

She had never lived in two places at once before, and she found it exciting.

But she would rather die then admit that.

She helped out all day with the decor, glad to be doing something she was good at.

It was surprising when she didn't flip upon seeing Adoras name on the guestlist, instead playing it off as a random person. Not holding a grudge.

Amato and C'yra were proud of her, so much so that Lyric was sneaking away all the time and they didn't mind as much because they still had someone to fret over.

But when Lyric came to her door at six o clock that evening, she could feel the importance of whatever her sister was here for.

'Hey Catra, could I come in?'

'Sure, sure, so whats up?'

Lyric paused, as if debating whether or not she should go along with what she said next, and Catra only knew how serious it was when she noticed her sisters right hand slowly emerging from behind her back.

She held it up with a newfound nervousness.

For a second, Catra didn't see what it was. But then, it glinted in the sunlight, and she squeaked.


'Naeva Blightshade, head guard. Please don't tell anyone yet'

'I won't tell no one, but you need to explain. You are literally soon to marry the head guard, who I haven't seen you interact with before, granted, I saw you two in the gardens last week, but that doesn't count!'

Lyric flushed red, and took a deep breath.

'so it all started when......'


When C'yra went to check on Catra, she hadn't expected to see all three of her daughters curled up watching a film together while eating from a box of Quality Streets.

Aeris was leaning forward against Catra, who was leaning back against Lyric.

C'yra felt the ghost of a smile passing through her upon the sight and shook her head as she stepped away from the door.

They were fine. Why interrupt?

She yawned, and checked her watch. Eyes widening she realised how late it was, and began racing down the corridors to her and Amatos chambers.

She curled up beside him, and he wrapped his arms around her.

And they all slept soundly.

Escaping Corruption (Seasons 1-3) Where stories live. Discover now