S2 - MerMysteries; Plans And tricks

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Amato had not yet been discharged from the infirmary.

And a new matter had risen to the limelight that Catra was rather excited for.

Aeris’ debutante ball.

It was scheduled to be in exactly nine days, so Catra had lots of planning to do.

The grand hall was decorated with salmon pink and white.

Aeris herself was over the moon with excitement, and her dress had arrived.

It was made of ivory silk, white mesh, and copper accents.

A proper ballgown fit for a princess.

Catra was pleased with her sisters delight, but she had to continue the invites.

But when the evening before the debutante ball arrived, Catra was completely set.

Amato would be discharged later the night of the ball, and even Naeva had agreed to come.

Lyric too was delighted.

But unfortunately, Na'li had a plan to ruin everything.

Jealousy, of course, was his never ending supply of motivation for his cruelty.

This, was by far the worst.

All it took was a sack of cash and a few empty promises for his plan to be in motion.

Catra didn't see much of him in the previous days leading up to the debutante.

But she feared that something awful would happen, as Gata had confided in the ex Horde soldier about odd behaviour from a maid.

Catra wanted everything for Aeris to be perfect, and nothing like how it might've been.

But at the moment, she sat in her study flicking through ledgers of plans that the grand duke, Riza, had given her for the new seasons party.

When suddenly the door swung open, and there stood a wide eyed Lyric.

‘What happened?!’ Catra exclaims.


Lyric swallows as tears well in her eyes.

‘I am a bard with a kazoo….I am the kazoo!’ She cried in anguish.

Catra stared.

This was the “emergency” that she had been disrupted for.

‘Anything else, Kazoo gal?’

Lyric just shook her head and bit back tears as she took her leave.

Catra rolled her eyes the moment she was gone.

How in the name of Moros did she end up with someone who believed they was a kazoo as a sister?

She groaned.

The next knock on the door caught her attention.

‘Freyja have mercy…’ She muttered under her breath, hoping it was not as dense a matter as the previous one.

‘Hey Catra’

‘Hey Adora’

She pulled her down for a kiss.

'I came as soon as I could’

Catra looked her up and down.

She took in the crisp white shirt, and the black boots and trousers she wore, and the moss green hooded coat strewn across her shoulders, which clasped at her collar bone.

Her hair was down, and the golden blonde tresses cascaded down her back.

Adora pulled Catra to her feet.

‘Swear you'll dance with me at the debutante tomorrow?’

Catra smirked.

‘Is that even a question? Oh my beloved Starlight, you already know I will~’

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