33 - She Of Annihilation

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The next three days were tedious

But the most affected, other than the imperial family themselves, were the Blightshades.

Taz Blightshade had been a close friend of Amatos his entire life. Even after he had retired.

Naeva, was devastated. The emperor had been like a second father to her, as she spent practically all her time at the palace.

And Anu. Poor, young, Anu. The fifteen year old blamed the sutuation on himself, for being the messenger.

A blast of magic ricocheted off of the wall, and careened all around the room.

Catra cursed loudly.

She retracted her arm over her head, and focused hard.

Then, she threw her arm forward and yelled;

‘Ignis inspiratione!’

An inferno explodes from the palm of her hand, reaching out to the opposite corners of the training room.

She once again pulled back her arm like a slingshot, and thew it forward again, but a different spell was yelled.

‘Aestis lumen!’

Out of her hand bursts a flood of water, twisting into a miniscule tsunami that floods the room, extinguishing the flames. After a moment, it fades through the floor.

Catra groans, and falls weak against the wall. She hates how much energy it takes up to do a successful spell at her recent timing.

She downed her glass of water, and took a deep breath, and pulled up her sword to practice more.

Swing. Dodge. Slash.

To say Adora was worried was an understatement.

Since Amatos battlefield incident, no one had seen much of Catra, except, to her surprise, Glimmer.

But the princess of Brightmoon wouldn't tell anyone what she spoke of with the magicat princess.

To Adoras luck, with her and Bow being able to hang out a lot more, they decided to go do so!e research on the kingdom and its history.

So they ventured down to the Golden Valleys library.

But as they worked, Adora found something incredibly interesting.

She-ra: She Of Annhilation.

She shuddered, and began flicking through its pages.

She stopped when her eyes caught the words “raise from the dead”.

She read over it. Once. Twice. Three times.

Then, when her and Bow went to leave, she checked out with the book.

When they returned to the palace, Adora hid away in the reading nook in her room.

She built up a pillow fort around it, to hide what she was doing.

Then, with a thrill and a shiver of excitement, Adora opened the book to the first page and began to read, feeling like she was parkouring on clouds.

“She-ra: She Of Annilhation. 1067 November third….’

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