S2- Dear Ms Circe, why not speak?

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When Catra woke, She found herself laying in a massive bed.

Suddenly the door opened, and Fate stepped inside. His focus on the book he held in his hands.

He glanced up when he sensed the impress of her presence.

'Catra! You're awake! Good morning!' He smiled broadly, sitting on the end of the bed.

'Where are we now?' She asked, looking around at the bookshelf, fluffy carpet, and balcony.

'Apologies for now mentioning it sooner, but we're in New Aether. We're currently in my Manor, this is the room you will sleep and spend as much time as you like in each time you're here.'

Catra managed to swallow down the idea of sobbing.

'How about you get dressed and I can show you the headquarters of life before breakfast?' He suggested.

'Why not?' She shrugged.

He smiled, and left to give her some privacy.

She began searching through the large closet full of clothing that had been made specifically for her. Designed and created and sized just for her.

It made her flutter with excitement.

She picked out a tight tunic of latex that went over one shoulder, and high waisted leather leggings, along with golden sandals.

She stepped outside, and found Fate lounging in a velvet chair in the corridor.

'Yo!' She rolled her eyes as she plopped down next to him.

'Hey! Ready to see the headquarters?'

'Yup' She replied, deadpanning.

So he led her down a long staircase, and through a dozen more corridors, until they arrived outside of a tall, metallic door, with ornate designs embedded all across it.

He paused for a moment, before slowly pushing it open to reveal a small, circular room, with glowing, diamond shaped energy floating between to points, one coming from underneath, one coming from above.

'Want to see Princess Glimmers?' He suggested once more.

'Yeah' She smiled, half confused, half amazed.

He reaches into the energy, and pulls out a string of dark pink. Electricity the very same colour crackles and simmers around it, Glimmers thread of life.

If Fate were to cut it, then Glimmer would be taken by Rhys, Death.

'I do not think I will ever cut this one, nor these ones' Fate says aloud, pulling out a few others. Turquoise, icy blue, shimmering gold, all different shades of colour.

Amongst them, she sees her own.

It's bit more then just a normal thread. Unlike the others, hers is glowing unnaturally, a big bright rainbow of colour all mixed onto the one thing.

'Who are the others?' She tilts her head.

'Adora, Mermista, Glimmer, etc....This one's Bow' He smiles, holding up a red and gold thread.

'I can cut yours all I want because you will become immortal once your mortal lives have faded away into time' Fate adds after a moment.

'Please don't do that yet. I still have things I want to do' She shuddered..

'Don't worry, I won't' He laughs.

A moment later, they go for breakfast.

They eat quickly, and soon Fate brings Catra to the ancient theatre once again.

They slipped to the poetry gallery.

Because Fate had something he wanted her to see, now that her initial shock had worn off.

'I found this the hour following your re-depart to Etheria'

She does not question it this time.

He hands her a short piece of parchment, and watches her nervously.

Her heart freezes when she reads it.

The hummingbirds morning song,
Who's threads bind at a bending whim,
Moonlit riots,
Roiding souls,
Bending, twisting,
To the Weavers woes,
Luminous eyes,
Devious minds,
Descending of doom,
Keeling wraith,.
Phantom dancers donning crowns,
The cats song of falling dusk,
Emerald pools and elegant lies,
The Blood Moon comes,
With a whisper from fate,

Catra gapes.

'It supposedly is a prophecy of some nature.' Fate adds unhelpfully.

The magicat groans into her palms before raising her head to face him with a glower.

'Prophecies suck' She muttered.

'I am quite aware. I've lived through the unravellment of them all.' Fate raises a brow.

'Shut it. Anyway, where do I go now?'

'Well, you have to seek out death. Rhys awaits you in the land of the dead.'

Catra groans again.

'Do you think I know where that is?!'

'No. Its the underside of New Aether. Follow the Moons, find the silver Gate, and you will know when you arrive.' Fate says helpfully.

She allows herself to smile.

'Why thank you. Also, three more days here won't bother anyone, will it?'

'I don't believe so, now, come along, you should probably begin learning how to harness your mana.'

'Okay fine, maybe I need it..' She murmurs after a moment, and follows him passed the dark hued walls, and into the shadows.

They trapeze over the cat bridge, and walk back through the garden they had gone to the previous night.

Catra wished that she could show Adora the wonders of New Aether. Alas, she could not do so until after the blood moon, for now she was but a danger to all of Etheria while Puca schemed.

'What do you wish to wield it for?' Fate turns to her.

'I wish to wield it to protect my loved ones, to be the ruler that is written in history eternally, to be the one who defeats those who threaten the galaxy, to be the one who writes this story my way' She declares, looking over the bright skies of periwinkle, violet and baby blue.

Fate smiles knowingly.

Knowing that the beginning will end soon, and the blood moon will bring life anew.

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