7 - MerMysteries: Mystacor

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'I swear on that incubus. If this trip goes on another second. I am going to steal all of your kneecaps and vomit in the searing wounds!' Catra hissed as the boat swayed.

'Did you just call Castaspella an "Incubus"..? Amato gaped.

'Should I...not have?'

Amato laughs, and smiles.

'Doesn't matter, but we've arrived ' Just as he finished, C'yra and Aeris finally appeared from below deck.

Amato took Aeris, and C'yra took Catra, and the two monarchs flashed to Mystacor.

Once the misty flood of purple and green had faded away, Amato took Catra to meet Castaspella, and afterwards to check into the hotel.

Their room was prodigious, sleek white walls, and satin sheets. The whole thing was extravagant.

They went out for dinner, and when they returned, it was eight o clock. Catra and Aeris changed into their pajamas, and went to bed.

After an hour of squabbling that is.


H E Y A D O R A ~

That voice. Adoras heart fluttered. Sunkissed skin. Luminous mismatched eyes. A melodic voice. Unruly dark hair. Soft, kissable, blood-red lips. The pure, raw beauty that left her wonder struck with each interaction. A flood of hazy memories washed over her.

A moment later, she shot up in her bed, heart pounding as if she is fighting.

It was a dream.

Glimmer and Bow stare at her. She had been crying out for Catra in her sleep, waking them as she did so.

Tears threatened to fall from the blondes eyes, pricking at the corners. She wiped them away and attempted to ignore her two friends questions, knowing they wouldn't understand.

'Adora. Is something wrong?! You can tell us! We're your friends!' Bow exclaimed.

'Thats the problem! I feel like something awful has happened to Catra and I can't do anything about it! My feelings for her are questionable! What kind of friends do you know that daydream about hearing the others laugh?! About her smile?! About her body?! About kissing her and making her feel like the most important person in the entire universe?!' Adora snapped.

They stare at her. Shocked.

'That is...a lot to unpack...' Bow whispers after a few moments of silence.

Adora just heaves in her bed.

'So you're completely smitten about Catra, and have this gut feeling something bad happened in the horde? Lets talk to my Aunt Casta tomorrow, and see if she can dispell your feelings goodnight' and Glimmer the unhelpfuk was out like a light.

Bow sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose

'Adora, you're in love with Catra, and if you really feel that shes in trouble, I'll help you figure it out. But for now, lets just go to sleep, okay?'



'Hack a hairball!'

'Stupid two type eyes!'

'We both have mismatched eyes stupid'

Aeris and Catra fought on the ground siblingly. (Petition to make that an actual word?)

Everything was going normally, until three people stepped onto the patio they were on.

Luckily, the magicat sisters were hidden behind a chair. Catra clamped her hand over Aeris' mouth, and put a finger over her own.


Catras eyes narrow as Adora, Glimmer and Bow lean over the wall, laughing and joking as they watched the sky.

It only took a second for her two aim a new spell she had learned between Glimmer and Adora.

'tutun bombasi'

The trio screamed as they were encased in coloured smoke. Like a thick cloud of fog had appeared from thin air.

Catra slipped through the fog. And sank her teeth into Glimmers fingers with a smug smirk, licking away the blood a moment later.

Then, she tripped Bow, and watch him squawk and flail as he fell.

And Adora. She slipped her hand into hers. Adoras breath hitched. 'Hey Adora' Catra whispers into her ear.


'No. My name is Princess Elizabeth D'riluth of Halfmoon. You're welcome'

'Catra.' Shes more confident in her identification.

'Technically yes, truly? No.'

Adora is getting more puzzled by the second.

'Elle? Where are you?' Aeris' voice calls from the ground they had been fighting on a moment before.

'Over here, Ris!'

'Who...?' Adora whispers.

'My baby sister. Now, We have some ufinished business, my beloved princess'

Adora gulps.

'Say sorry.'

Shes taken aback.

'I'm sorry...?'

'Now, hate me.'

'I....I can't '

'Hate me. Because I can't bare to leave you otherwise '

'I'm sorry but I can't.'


'Because...Because I'm Inlove, with you'



'Go. Go and never speak to me again.'


'Adora. You're fcking everything to me, you always have been. But after everything. Please, for the love of Moros. hate me. Despise me. Loathe me. anything but love.'

'Don't ask for the impossible '

'If you truly love me you never would have left me to bear the punishment. The humiliation. The torment. The....the Horde attempting to kill me. The Horde sending me to beast island. But its me. Its my problem. And my problem alone. Goodbye Adora. Enjoy your life.'

her lips press to Adoras cheek, tears mixing with how close their faces are. But Adora cannot see Catras face. Only feel the tears tredding down her cheeks.

And when the smoke is dispelled, Catra is gone. Glimmer and Bow are staring at Adora. She fell to her knees, and broke. Like a window shattering to millions of glass shards.

Sobs wrack her frame. Tears fly from her ice blue eyes. She screams and bangs her fist against the ground. Drags her hands through her blonde tresses. But doesn't speak a coherent word.

Her new friends just watch. Their stares like daggers in her side.


Aeris was worried for her big sister when she appeared out of the smoke, the layer of fur on her face matted by tears.

She denies crying, and goes to the library to go do whatever. But after overhearing what she did. She knows that this Adora person in her sisters story was an antagonist.

It hurt her tiny brain to try to figure it out. so she stopped trying. Because in her head, if Catra was going to have a break up with her blonde for maybe cheating (?) on her with shitter glitter, then its not her problem.

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