34 - Silver Tongue

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‘Catra?’ The empress looked up from her tea.

The magicat princess stood in the doorway. Dark circles surrounded her mismatched eyes, an she trembled with each breath.

She had clearly just woken from a nightmare.

The empress silently handed Catra a cup of tea, and led her into the living room.

C'yra made herself comfortable, and they both finished their tea quickly, so that they could begin the conversation.

And when they finally did, it was C'yra who spoke first.

‘Whats bothering you?’

Catra took a deep breath.

‘Its just…..Ever since I got here, so many bad things have happened. Like Lyric getting attacked, Aeris going into a coma, Amato. The Aldric incident. And….I might even add the weird shadow man kidnapping me at the party’

C'yra wrapped her arms around Catra and pulled her closer.

‘Nothing there was your fault. A psycho, who has been caught and imprisoned and is in waiting for a trial was the one who attacked Lyric, not you, Aeris was beaten to near death which caused the coma, by a Horde Force Captain called Grizzlor, not you. It was Puca who put amato in his current state. Not you. Aldric attacked you. I protected you. Which is my job as a leader and a mother. You had no control. and your kidnapping? Puca is an eejit for believing he could take my kid. You are made of steel, Elizabeth Catra D'riluth. You are far stronger then what people assume. Tell me, who defeated Shadow Weaver?’

‘I-I did…’ Catra mumbles.

‘Who does the great She-ra chant her love for each time they leave the room?’


‘Who stood up to Hordak?’

‘I did…’

‘Who is the strongest person I know?’

For a moment. But slowly, Catras cheeks redden.


‘Exactly! You have so many things to be proud of. Listen to me Catra, the reason you have been chosen as the heir, is because you are above strength. You radiate kindness and comfort. You are a wonderful person, you deserves to be loved and cared for. Shadow Weaver and Hordak, the other Horde Soldiers, Glimmer, they do not have that. They are weak, because they resent people for stupid reasons.’

Catra felt herself tearing up, and she hugged C'yra tightly.

They fell asleep like that.


The runestones shimmered in the afternoon light.

Catras tail whipped between the two large petal like barriers she was sitting against. They oddly resembled a tulip.


She turned her head to see Glimmer standing there with a nervous expression.

‘Yeah Sparkles?’

‘I….I want to talk to you about something…if you're okay with it I mean’ The princess rambled.

‘eh sure’ Catra shrugged.

Glimmer gently sat beside the prestigious feline.

‘I wanted to talk about…. Our fathers'

Catra momentarily stiffened, but relaxed almost immediately.


‘What was your dad like?’

‘Well….Amato was funny, and he loved to play his ukelele. He used his magic for entertainment rather then torture. He was annoying, in a good way…..C'yra loves him so, so much…What about your dad?’

Glimmer was taken aback. No one, not even Bow, had ever asked her about her father.

‘He…He was a sorcerer. I remember we used to play hide and seek….and he was the one who taught my mom how to cook…He used to read me bed time stories while making magical visuals, and afterwards mom would sing to me….even if Mom never said it….and dads gone….I just know how much they love me' Glimmer explains quietly.

Catra pulls her in for a side hug.

‘Seems we're more alike then we thought, fulgurate.’ She teases softly.

‘Usually that would be an insult…but I’ll let it slide this time’ Glimmer smiles. Then, suddenly, her face lights up.

‘Are you hungry?’

Catras rumbling stomach answered for her. Much to her embarrassment.

Before she could speak, the sparkly princess' hand shot out and took hers. And in the blink of an eye, they were in the imperial palaces kitchens.

‘What are we doing?’ Catras brow furrows in confusion.

‘We're baking silly! Lets see….What about blueberry muffins?’

‘Sure I guess?’

Glimmer teleported away and back in a second, holding two aprons.

They quickly put on the aprons, and Glimmer sped about gathering the ingredients.

It was only when Glimmer looked away from hers did she see how well Catra was doing.

She was just waiting on the oven to heat.

‘Those already look delicious!’ Glimmer gapes.

‘Really?’ Catras face heats considerably.


Half an hour later, they stood admiring the muffins.

Glimmer insisting that Catra had made hers perfectly.

They each plucked on off their tray, and sliced it in half. They took one half each, and gave the other half to the other.

Then, they bit into them.

‘They even taste brilliant!’ Glimmer exclaims.

‘So do yours' Catra says, hand over her mouth as shes speaking with her mouth full.

‘I smell food!’ A voice sings from the top of the steps.

A moment later, Bow, C'yra and Adora peek into the room.

Then, they all split the muffins.

Bow focused on Glimmers breathing as he thought hard on the earlier events.

‘Hey Glimmer?’

‘Yeah, Bow?’

‘What do you think of Catra? It was clear you didn't like her at the start’

‘To be honest Bow, after today, I feel like we've connected greatly. I feel closer to her then Adora or you with the subject we talked about.’

Bow feigned to have no jealousy.

‘She makes me feel like I have an annoying sister who I love dearly' Glimmer eventually says.

Bow smiles.

‘Thats good’

‘Yeah…..it feels good… ‘

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