5 - Interlocked

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Catra sat gingerly on the edge of the couch opposite them, her eyes focusing on a book labeled 'Namir' on the bookshelf.

'So....You see yesterday, when we went to Mystacor and Casta did a test on you?' C'yras voice is quivering as she speaks.


'And how we needed to check your DNA..?'

She realised before they finally told her.

'You're our kid, you're the princess.'

The next thing Catra knows, shes running through beast island, tears prick at her eyes. She stumbles and falls. But doesn't try getting back up. Instead, she pulls her knees to her chest and sobs.

Dizziness floated in and out of her head, creating a distortion from reality. Chills went down her spine. and when she looked up, she was horrified to see Adora sitting cross-legged in front of her, with a pitiful smile across her stupid pretty face.

'You deserve to suffer. You made your choices. Live with them'

'You're wrong!' she cried out, 'I-I'm better! I am fixing myself!'

Adora only laughs.

Nausea built in Catras throat. There are palpitations in her chest. She begins to hyperventilate, and all of everything together only strengthens the hallucinations.

She hears Shadow Weaver. Loud and clear. The next was Scorpia, attempting to free her. Then back to Adora, basking in her misery.

The nausea and dizziness worsens. She staggers as she attempts to stand. The whole world is spinning in her eyes. She slams into a tree. she groans in pain.

Shes still mindlessly pleading with her hallucinations. Shes practically driving herself insane.

Abdominal cramps stir up, along with a severe migraine. Her vision flashes dangerously. She leans against a tree for support, as she feels herself slowly losing her conscience.

The last thing she hears before she blacks out, is C'yra and Amato finding her, and promising to help her through whatever this shitshow was.

Then her mind stopped.


A glimmer of a light snuck through her eyelid.

Then, her eyes opened. She was met with orange and white fur, and when she looked up, she realised she was entrapped between C'yra and Amato. She pouted.

She attempted to wriggle out through the gap between their embraced arms, but failed, and only ended up knocking over a powder, only a small sprinkle fell out, and hit her in the hand, and she slowly floated up to the roof, to her dismay.

She struggled for a few minutes, but then she heard a chuckle from below, and when she looked down, she saw that Amato was watching her, amused by her antics. He made a downward symbol in the air, and she fell face first onto the mattress again. Amato outright laughed at the 'hmph' Catra came out with.

Then, they emerald eyed magicat slinked off to go scheme a prank on his youngest daughter.

Catra lay silently in the bed for a moment, before she heard someone whisper in her ear;

'Wakey Wakey kitten'

She yelped in surprise, and the next thing she knew both her and C'yra were on the ground, and the magicat queen had her in a seatbelt lock.

'Easy there, Cub' The elder magicat teased.

'shut it' Catra grumbled, and continued her weak attempts to escape.

C'yra resorted to tickling her till she was breathless. After that the two ventured down to the dining room for breakfast, playful banter back and forth.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry to say that "Escaping Corruption" will be going on a hiatus, as I'm on holidays at the moment. I already have the chapters prewritten so the moment I get home I'll publish all chapters I missed :)

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