S3 - Huntress and Witch

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THE moment Catra stepped into the kitchen, Aeris looked up from buttering her toast.

''Catra?' She dropped her butter knife onto the counter and sidestepped from behind the kitchen island.

'Hey Rissy...Do you happen to know by any chance what a steaming necklace could mean?' Catra averted her gaze.


'Damn it. Anyways, wheres Mom? I need to ask her the same question.'

'She's in the gardens. Why do you want to know?' Aeris grabbed her by the wrist.

'I've already told you. I need to ask-'

'No. Not that. Why do you want to know about a burning necklace? I noticed you're not wearing your Namir locket. What in the name of Moros happened to it?!' She interrupted, slamming her into the wall with unintended force.

"Aeris. I can't tell you when I don't know myself.' Catra growled, eyes darkening.

'Mom wouldn't know anyways. Her strong suit is fighting. We need to talk to.....to Avena.' Aeris turned her head as she considered her words, as if afraid of speaking them aloud.

'Who's Avena?'

'Avena is a sorceress, hundreds of years old! She lives in Elisia. But she's also....she's also our grandmother, and from what I heard from dad... shes not exactly sunshine and rainbows.' Her voice dipped as she thought deeply on the matter.

'None of the women in this family are particularly sunshine and rainbows. I need you to cover for me while I'm gone.'

'No. I'm not a child anymore Catra, I'm sixteen. I have fought in a war. I am going to be made the Chief Huntress of the entire Empires tribes in a week! I am the top in my class at magic! I'm even better then my teacher! I aided in creating the dome in the war of Nocturnia! I am not just someone to cover you. I'll ask Atticus and Gata to hide the truth from Mom and Dad.' Aeris' voice left no room for arguing, even for the Empress of Purrsia.

'Fine. But you have to listen carefully, okay? We leave at first light.' Catra frowned through her words.

'Deal.' Aeris snatched her toast off of the counter and made her way from the room.

'And don't think you're leaving me behind.'

Catra spun around to find Glimmer leaning in the doorway, a triumphant little smirk gracing her features.

'You're lucky I have no authority over you.' Catra grumbled, as she set about making cereal. 'Elisia is located way across Purrsia. So we have to leave early.' She added after a moment.

'Okay, I'll leave my mom a note so she'll only know I'm gone once it's too late to stop me!' She declared, sauntering off into the hallway.

'Yeah but she sure can intercept us..' Catra muttered under her breath.

If Glimmer heard her, she didn't show it.

Catra stopped in her tracks.


She would only be here for six more days. Then she would return to Brightmoon for quite a long while.

Catra tried not to think about it, and moved back toward kitchen island, where Gata was now pouring the milk into her cereal.

'So, Aeris and the glitzy girl are coming with you? Cool. Not my problem.' The ex-priestess scooped up the massive bowl in her arms and strutted out of the room at the other door.

Catra rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers, flashing into the gardens where C'yra kneeled by the wilting roses that grew around the bottom of one of their many trellis'.

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