S2 - Shifted heart

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It had been hard lying to Angella.

But now, the adventurous trio stood at the edge of beast island, attempting to figure out what they were going to start with.

'Let's find the magicats first.' Bow suggested.

'Sure, if anyone knows, it's them.'


They trudged through the dark forest of purple, orange, red and pink.

They had gotten Amato to accompany them, and he seemed glad to be able to do something.

But as they were chatting about where Micah could be, a massive dragon like creature attacked.

Amato shrieked in alarm, and pulled out his twin sickles and rushed into battle.

Bow shot his arrows as quick as possible, Glimmer teleported everywhere in a flurry of panic.

But Adora attempted to transform into Shera, but to her horror, it didn't work.

She was thrown against a thick, maroon, tree trunk.

Suddenly, the dragon like creature's attention was solely on Amato and a mysterious hooded figure.

Amatos sickles, guided by the mystery figures magic, careened around the trees, and landed in the dragons heart.

The duo laughed, and did some kind of complicated handshake. Before freezing and turning to each other.


'Magic man?!?!'

The two stared at each other again.

Them, to everyone else's surprise, they hugged and began chatting as if they were old friends.

The mystery man removed his hood, and Glimmer straight up screamed in shock.

The man turned to them, and looked bewildered at the sight of Brightmoons princess.


'Dad!?' She cried.

He ran to her, and tightly embraced her.

Amato looked between them, flabbergasted.

'Glimmer, baby girl, How I've missed you and your mother' Micah admitted, tears glistening in the corners of his dark eyes.

Bow wiped the tears from his own eyes.

'Adora, aren't family reunions just beautiful?"

'Wouldn't know. I'm not allowed to have one.' Adora replies quietly.

Bow frowns.

'Family doesn't mean blood. Its the people you love and have a connection with.'

She doesn't reply this time.

She had a family in the Horde.

Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio and......and Catra.


She sat gingerly on the edge of the chair.

Prime sat at the head of the table.

'Now, Do you wish to see my collections?' He drawled, putting his silver tongue into action.

Remembering what Circe said, Catra agreed.

He led her into a narrow, rectangular room.

There were shelves and stands everywhere. But what caught her gaze immediately, was the crown on the stand at the top.

It was golden, with intricate designs the whole way around, the most ornate being a glowing sun at the very front of the crown.

Hemeras crown.

Her crown.

Suddenly, it was lifted from its pedestal and placed upon her head.

'You do suit it. Would you like it?' Prime said.

'Yes...please' She smiled and curtseyed. Personally, she believed that she was driving herself delulu.

'Then you can keep it. I found it in the ruins of an empire called Aether. You would've liked it there, I believe, those skies were quite beautiful. It is quite unfortunate that Aether is no longer standing.'

Some talk from the person who destroyed it.

'Now, shall we eat?'

She nodded, and he led her back into the dining room.

He explained the food, and its origins.

Catra was almost scared by the story of how he had gotten ahold of such a meal.

But she stayed quiet, playing with the gel type food.

She answered his questions about her childhood, and eventually the topic came to her throne.

'Do you wish to see Pantherna now? As it stands?'

She tried to ignore the last comment. 'Yes'

He made a movement she couldn't register, and a screen whirred to life.

Catras heart felt like at had frozen at the sight.

Panthernas streets, Where there were usually colourful displays, people laughing and chatting, and food being sold at stands, had now turned to a waste of some tone.

Starved, sick and homeless people were huddled in doorways and under abandoned stalls.

Vomit, rats and mould was everywhere. But Catra noticed the black marks around the collars of the people.

A death plague had hit Pantherna.

'They're calling it "The missing crowns dew" They blame you.'

Catras heart pounded in her chest.

'You can forget it all. Come to my side, as my wife and Empress, become an intergalactic face of peace. You have until tomorrow to make your decision. You may roam freely until you have made up your mind. Goodnight.'

And he was gone.

Catra paused, and thought over her mission.

But her decision wasn't hard.

She had to save Melog. She had to save Etheria.

She had to keep her promise to Adora.

Escaping Corruption (Seasons 1-3) Where stories live. Discover now