S2 - Farewell friend

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Catra looked at herself in the mirror.

She was still wearing the clothes from the previous day, as Fate had explained to her that they were magical and therefore did not need washed for far longer.

She did not fully believe him.

But she wore them anyway, just as she used to do with her Horde Uniform.

The only difference was Hemeras crown hanging from the belt tight around her hips. The insignia of Magicats plated in gold.

Today she wore her red mask.

Something she had not done since falling into the river on her way to Freyjas palace.

She hadn't worn it afterwards due to how conspicuous the red was, but now she needed it.

Well, more so she could not part with it even after all this time, it had become a part of her that she was not willing to give up.

She had been been its possessor through the toughest years of her life.

She could not leave it behind now.

But as she looked in the mirror, she came to a horrible realisation.

'Where's my sword?!?'

She lept from the ground to the shelves lining the upper walls, and began searching the room rather violently.

Until a clattering came from below, and she saw that Fate had dropped it on the ground and was now giving her a stare of exasperation.

Catra gave him a sheepishly grin, and jumped down beside her.

'I knew that' She murmured in embarrassment.

'Sure you did.'

She sighed, and shoved it in its sheath.

'Are you ready? You're awfully quiet for someone who's about to put their life on the line in order to save everything you've ever known.'

'Yes, And I'm only quiet because I'm thinking over the plan again' She sighed.

'I.....I just can't believe the time has already arrived. I mean, if you told me I would end up as an Empress, a natural born Enchantress, and Namir, a year ago? I probably would've clawed your eyes out believing you were just joking around.' Catra adds breathlessly, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms in deep thought.

'But you excel at who you are, you're compassionate, loyal, strong and intelligent. You know yourself like no other.'

'Enought with the sweet stuff, or I might just scratch your eyes off now!' She blusters, flexing her claws menacingly.

'Sure kiddo, sure'

She glowered at him.

'I am not your kiddo.'  She hissed.

'Oh yes, I have forgotten, you are Purrsia's muse, aren't you?'

She was shocked. Of course that's the reason she spluttered out a; 'What?!'

''Yeah? Thats what everyone has been calling you after someone let it slip to the guard lady that you had a plan'

'You mean Naeva?'


Catra rolled her eyes in a melodramatic fashion.

'We're moving away from the conversation we need to have'

'Oh alright........ I guess this is goodbye until its over?'

Her ears drooped, and her eyes glittered.

'Yeah....but I'm counting on the fact that we have the element of surprise, and a full fledged plan. We do not have any openings for Puca. Well, not any that have been noticed.' Catra announced.

'Goodluck then, Hemera of light, I hope to see you again soon' He whispers, as she opens the window, and looks down the lush green valley, spreading on for a few miles before opening into a deep, dark forest.

She turns to Fate for a singular moment.


And she was gone.


Two hours later, Catra trudged through the forest she had been dreading since she had set off.

She was afraid, no doubt, yet she liked to pretend she wasn't. Even as it got significantly harder with the invisible creatures that prowled the shadows.

Leaves crunched beneath her feet, yet they did not have the usual satisfaction. Now they just sounded like bones being crushed in a meat grinder.

She shuddered at the metaphor.

She did not know anything yet about the forest, yet she knows to keep quiet and to herself.

It was almost a relief when the slivers of light became thicker, until an opening was clear.

'Thank Moros....' She muttered as she jogged forward, and out into the field of dead, yellowed grass.

She stepped over the wilting flowers, and toward the well made of dark hued bricks right at the end of the field, sitting shadowed by a massive Yew tree.

Whin bushes grew over a rickety fence behind it, and a little wooden shack stood on the other side of the fence.

Fate had told her that that's where they kept their dirty laundry, though Catra knew it was only sarcasm.

She approached the well with caution, fearful of what lurked in its watery depths.

A ghostly wail escaped in a momentary ring of wind chimes.

Catra shuddered, and sat up on the wall as she attempted to figure out a plan in case this went wrong.

And of course a way to get in without falling to her death against the violent torrent of the wells water.

She pulled out the falcon cloak.

Perhaps....Perhaps this was why she needed it.

She pulled it over her shoulders, and clasped it over the base fo her throat. Slipping the bands at the end of the cloak over her wrist, she spread out her arms, and the cloak shaped like wings.

She flapped her arms experimentally and began running in circles, uncontrollably blushing as her mind pondered the possible reactions if anyone she knew on Etheria saw this.

She shot off from the ground, gliding amongst the early morning birds.

She bit her lip to hold back a scream as she dived into the well, glad that she had not forgotten her bag, and taht it was still firmly attached to her belt.

She tumbled down a staircase, that seemed to go on forever.

When she finally fell to a halt, she looked up to find herself right outside a looming palace of ebony wood.

She smirked to herself. She had succeeded.

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