S2 - Missings and Saviors

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The evening was quiet.

No one wondered the plan anymore, Catra had explained everything to them over dinner.

C'yra had sent out a scouting group an hour prior, just following Catras explanation.

It was odd, the silence.

And Adora, Naeva and Aeris were yet to return from whatever place they had vanished off to.

The evening was quiet.


The leading moon soon rose over the camp, morning had arrived.

Catra dressed herself in golden armer, seeing as the day was brighter then any day recently, so she could blind the enemy when the time arrived.

She spreads out supplies, and explains the positions of all the meeting points.

Despite the distractions, she felt an odd sort of numbness toward what was happening, as if she were underwater, and it was happening on the surface.

It was a strange feeling.

She tried her best to ignore it, but it was becoming harder throughout the day.

C'yra was already gone to save Amato, despite the others efforts to make her stay, so she could not go to her.

None of the adults know the plan, so it would be pointless to tell them.

She didn't want to scare the princesses who were already skeptical with the plan.

So she would have to keep it hidden.

That didn't mean she would stop thinking about it though, no matter how hard she tried not to.


She was snapped out of her thoughts by Lyric, who was staring at her with her arms crossed.

'Uhh yeah?' Catra blinked excessively.

'Are you okay? You've been acting weird. Like, I get it, we're having a live or die fiasco, but you could atleast to not to distance yourself!' Lyric sighed.

'Well I'm under a lot of stress right now!' She yelled back.

'Okay.....Are you okay?' Lyric take her hands as she awaits a response.

'I.....I...don't know..'

'And that's perfectly fine. I wouldn't expect anyone to be able to put how they feel into words at the moment, everything is just so complicated now.' She smiles.

Catra offers her the satisfaction of receiving one back, and then moves away toward the edge of the mountain summit.

She seemed frozen in fear as she noticed something.

'Catra? What it is it?' Lyric slowly approached her.

'Its Aeris....she's back!'

Catra shoots off back towards the cave opening, Lyric at her heels.

They slide down the rain-soaked passage, and race to the main area.

Everyone turns to them as they arrive, heaving at the speed.

'What happened?!' Castaspella shot to her feet.

'Aeris...she's back!'

Just at that moment, Aeris came bursting through the other entrance.

'Catra! There....there...Puca has guards stationed on a bit away! They started shooting! They shot innocent civilians dead right in front of us! Naeva forced me to come here instead of fighting....I think she...I think she might've been shot..Adora turned into the gold girl!' She spluttered.

Catra froze.


The whole room watched her with anticipation.

'Everyone. Stay here. I have to do this on my own. Afterall, I still need to throw this thing at Puca if he shows up' She held up a little bag.

'What's in it..?' Angella trailed off.

'My original tongue. He cut it off, left it on the floor overnight. I thought this would be the perfect petty revenge. And the tongue I have right now was regrown by mother dearest' Catra cackled evily to herself as she wandered out, bag in hand.

Angella was shooketh to her core.


Adora had fought before.

She had fought people of all species, sizes and ages.

She usually had an advantage.

Being She-ra enhanced her strength, though her speed was still average.

She was able to heal easily.

She was strong.

But never before had she fought people like the shadows spies.

They were elegant, fought as if it were a dance, and as deadly as atropa belladonna.

They were all dressed in black leather, skin-tight bodysuits under matching spandex leggings.

Their faces were shadowed over by their hoods, but she could still often catch glimpses of the pale skin of their clavicle, throat and jaw.

All attempts to defeat or decieve them was futile.

They were intellects, acrobats, gifted with the ability to vanish into a shadow and appear from the next.

It was for this reason, that no matter what she and the guard did, the squadron of physically fit shadow warriors slipped out of their grasps no matter the hold.

That's how she ended up in this situation.

A shadow warrior, female, with tightly braided blonde hair hanging over her shoulder, straddled her as she held her face with an unnatural gentleness.

'I see why the little bird is fond of you. You are strong. I see grand potential...I will be sad to see you gone..'

The girls grip on her loosened considerably.

It took Adora a moment to realise that she was letting her go.

'Overpower me.'

She obeyed.

She threw the girl into the arms of her comrade, just as she heard a the sound of sweet laughter.

She turned to face whoever it eas, only to be shocked into silence.

'Hey Adora~'

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